The Hogwarts Baby Project

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After the war, it took about five months for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to be rebuilt. All because of the magic. Everyone that was still alive and on the winning side helped and now it was the Hogwarts everyone grew up knowing and learning about.

The Golden Trio, as most called it were able to finish their final year at the school as seventh years with the previous sixth years so they would be in some of the same classes as Ginny and Luna. Harry and Ginny got back together and Ron finally asked Hermione out on a date.

Hermione reversed the memory spell on her parents and filled them in on everything that had happened including Ron. The new year is about to start and everyone is visiting the Burrow...

Before 19 Years LaterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz