Familiar Faces

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(Kai'sa's Point of View)

I sat in between Akali and Evelynn and observed Y/N's physique which I find a little disturbing when my eyes locked into his. I can see my reflection on that hollow pupil of his and the bags under his eye made it seem like his skin was cracking. He sighed which made me flinch when it surprised me, I suddenly grew nervous and could barely make some words. It wasn't just me when all of us remained quiet for a couple of minutes while Y/N drank the remaining contents of the alcohol. It's strange how he seemed normal when he finished the bottle but we just heard him clean his throat and fix his jacket.

"I'll be off," Y/N said making me nervous, his voice was a little intimidating when it was deep and raspy. I haven't seen him for so long so I want to talk to him atleast but first I need to find a way to make him stay.

"W-wait. Please hear us out," Akali said nervously and tried to reach out for his arm. He immediately swing his arms away and just looked at Akali, I could feel Akali flinching for a moment but since she cracked the ice maybe I had a chance to speak out too.

"Y/N, c-can you please share your time with us?" I asked, even when I thought I was calm I still stuttered. He looked at each of us which made my spine shiver again. Good thing he sat down and crossed his arm to his chest.

"Make it quick," we heard him say so I was relieved a little.

(Y/N Point of View)

To think they had the guts to show their face to me, I guess their make-up is thicker this time. I am mad that's for sure but I tried to calm myself from acting like a mad man.

"I don't know if you knew but we have bee-" Evelynn said but I cut her off when I already got the gist of what she's going to say.

"Been thrown away from the studio you were working for 8 years then yes I know," I said immediately, that made her flinch and I could see them lowering their head. Silence fell for a few seconds and my patience was running really thin.

"This is just a waste of time," I said and was about to stand up again but Jinx suddenly came and slammed another bottle of vodka in front of me. I groaned when I didn't notice her arrival because I was too caught up with how messy my mind was. I just took the bottle and opened it with a pop before drinking a couple of gulps. God damn it where's that nauseating feeling when I needed it. Jinx left with a smirk and I just scoffed.

"We were hoping we could use this chance to catch up with one another," Kai'sa said with a nervous smile making me roll my eyes before I placed the bottle down.

"I know you don't want us here but please just listen to us. We're here to seek for your forgiveness after-," Ahri said but I cut her off again when I had something better to say.

"After 8 years of ghosting. No text, no calls no emails. Not even a card sent by a slow pigeon that could take 1 to 3 years to travel around the world. Mhh," I said and drank some more liquor. That silenced them again making me chuckle when they ran out of words to say. It was a little nice acting like a bastard to these people but I know it was a little too much.

"Then I'll be straightforward, I'm sorry!" Akali said with a bow making me frown when I was in the middle of drinking.

"Yeah, nah that shit sucks," I replied making her flinch. I mean it did feel genuine but that was just rude. They were quiet again so I continued drinking as I thought of what they've done. Well, they really didn't do anything, they just straight-up disappeared without a word, not even a fucking goodbye. That made me chuckle when the bottle was finished.

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