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(Y/N's Point of View)

I walked outside with a smile while my left arm held the phone, Cole on the other hand kept laughing the entire time making me chuckle. I just took out a cigarette from my pocket and placed it to my mouth when I knew Cole wouldn't be calming down for a few seconds or so. I took a small sip and heard Cole sighing on the other side, I puffed out a small one when I knew I can ask about something.

"What is that you want to talk about?" I asked as I looked up to the sky. I felt like Cole grinned on the other side when I heard his fingers tapping on the table. This sparked my interest for a second when he usually does that if it was something very interesting.

"About that boss...no reason at all," Cole replied wich made me confused. This is the first time he was acting like this to me, usually he'd invite me to a grand plan of his business when he taps those fingers of his so I was wondering what he was thinking. I was busy sipping the cigar as I tried to think about it but his chuckle interrupted my thoughts.

"Well, seems like 'High Notes' is slowly drowning, it kinda makes me wonder if they cared about those girls when they fired 'em but maybe I'm wrong," Cole said.

"Hmm?" my voice let out as I tried to think about it. High Note was the studio where the K/DA worked for in the past years.

"Why do you say that?" I asked Cole, he knows about it better so I don't have to think too much on it. I sighed and heard a lighter clicking on the other side making me chuckle a little.

"Well, I was wondering why they fired those artists too so I had no choice but look into it when I had some time for myself. It looks like that studio had a debt that aged for more than a goddamn decade and I bet that their deadline is coming near," Cole explained, I took a small sip when I felt him doing the same. It's interesting how I can hear that small crackling sound on the other side. Cole sighed but I kept sipping mine when it felt like my throat hadn't have enough.

"That's what they get when they pocket too much of their profit. So I felt like they fired the K/DA for them not to get involve," Cole continued and scoff while I let out the smoke. I was daydreaming as I listened to it but I did get what he meant.

"Hmm, it's still strange why you would reach out to them. I know your not the guy to do things that wouldn't benefit you so it does make me wonder why you offered them that. 2 million isn't a joke even for someone like you," I said as I returned to sipping the cigar. Now that I look at the sky, it feels a little nice but somehow it makes me miss the rain when there were still some clouds around. Cole chuckled and it was different than his usual. 4 quick chuckles and he sighed.

"Don't worry boss, I won't be using your money this time. It's just that it felt like I have to get some weight off your back," Cole replied making me sigh.

"You don't really need to though," I replied and Cole laughed lightly.

"Oh please let me act like a brother. All this time you took care of me to the point I kept forgetting I'm older. Please let me show off a little," Cole said making me freeze a little. A brother huh, I could only chuckle at what he said and flicked the cigarette butt away when it was already done.

"Do what you want," I replied and he chuckled.

"Yeah, thank you," Cole said and hanged up.

Thinking back to what I heard from him, I got nervous. If Cole plans on helping them that far then I won't stop him, yeah that's not for me to decide. I placed the phone in my pocket and I felt how it tightened the pants a little. I grabbed on the fence and let out a nervous sigh, my right hand was trembling and I know there was something wrong with me. Why am I acting like this anyway, I took a deep breath and my eyebrow furrowed a little when I realized what this sensation was.

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