Civil War: Chapter Ten

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Marie was lost. She was lost somewhere deep in her subconscious. The same movie played over and over again; the disk scratched so the scene played on repeat. Why was she watching this? What was she doing here?

She was at the bottom of a pool. It was deep. The water was dark around her, the walls towering above her and blocking out the light. Water slipped over her skin like a soft caress.

Hadn't someone touched her like that? Fingers trailing up her arm, leaving goosebumps behind?

The water was gentle and cool. Marie stared up at the surface. It was so far away. She could see the water rippling, dancing; light bouncing off the waves and creating a dazzling blue mosaic on the ceiling. It was beautiful.

Everything was muffled in the water. Not silent. She thought it would be silent. But she could hear the water swirling around her; the way it pushed against her eardrum, the pressure settling in her head. It was comforting, somehow. She didn't feel alone in the pool, deep under the water with smooth tiles against her back.

Bubbles tickled her nose. She blew a short stream of air from her nose. The bubbles twirled overhead, bobbing and bouncing. She liked how the light glinted off them. Another flurry of bubbles escaped her. She blinked and watched them race to the surface. Faster and faster they went, rising and rising and becoming smaller and smaller until they disappeared.

It was dark down here. Why is it so dark? The surface was bright above her, white light pouring down over the water and slowly trickling down to her; the light swallowed by the towering walls. She wanted to reach for it, to touch the surface and let the light engulf her.

Pressure. The water pressed against her eardrums and sharp pain pierced her skull. She tried to move away from it. She couldn't. Heaviness pressed down on her. Water wrapped around her like a viper and held her against the cold, cold tiles.

Cold. She was cold.

Marie tried to twist and fight the grip of the water. Her heart pounded against her chest and the throbbing pulsed throughout her body. It roared over the muffled water. She was trapped, looking up at the surface. The pressure seeped into her bones and squeezed. A rush of bubbles burst from her mouth and shattered the calm water around her. Air. When did she hold her breath? Why couldn't she breathe?

Pressure enveloped her like a heavy blanket. Her lungs burned, mouth agape and red eyes bulging as she desperately clawed at the force holding her down. She needed air.

Marie ripped her arm free. She dragged it through the water, fingers slipping against the icy tile as they searched for a grip. Her legs sluggishly followed, and she pushed off the bottom of the pool. Water rushed around her, falling away as she reached up, up, up for the surface.

Bright light glared down at her. Her eyes fluttered shut, then open again. Inhale. Purple spots clouded her vision. They bobbed and danced like bubbles, growing smaller and smaller and then they were gone. Exhale.

Marie stared at the ceiling. The lights burned her eyes. She blinked in time with her steady breaths. The sounds around her were muffled, or maybe just quiet. She blinked again, head turning to the side. Her body was impossibly stiff and her limbs heavy, like she was still asleep.

A hospital. She recognized these surroundings. She was in a hospital. It was a large room. Private. A small couch and two chairs were huddled in the corner beneath a large window. There was a blanket and pillow there too. Not just a couch, a fold-out bed.

Marie turned her head to the other side. A closed door and a whiteboard with scribbled words on it. The handwriting was difficult to read—no, it wasn't English. Where was she? Why was she here?

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