Age of Ultron: Chapter Six

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Marie stared at the familiar expanse of fields and the yellow farmhouse. She couldn't remember the last time she saw it. The tension in her shoulders eased, and the throbbing headache lessened as the breeze rifled her hair.

She touched Clint's arm as he passed her. "Are you—Are you sure about this?"

"Of course," he grinned. "I've got someone to report to."

The Avengers trooped up the worn footpath. Clint propped up an injured Natasha, while Steve, Tony, and Thor looked around the farm in confusion. A few toys littered the yard, and the ever-faithful tire swing still hung in the tree. Marie smiled at the sight.

"What is this place?" Thor asked.

"A safehouse," Tony answered, his tone unsure as he glanced around the porch.

Clint gave them a wry grin. "Let's hope."

They walked into the house and Marie nearly cried. Lila's drawings were still taped all over the walls, and a few of Marie's still lingered. Little LEGO pieces dotted the floor and Marie carefully edged around them.

"Honey? I'm home."

Laura appeared around the corner, very pregnant and very surprised.

"Hi, company." Clint wrapped an arm around her and kissed her. "Sorry I didn't call ahead."

"This is an agent of some kind," Tony sputtered, his eyes unable to settle on any one thing.

"Gentlemen, this is Laura," Clint introduced. He was at ease, his arm draped securely over his wife. Laura offered a small wave.

"I know all of your names."

Footsteps thudded down the stairs and Clint laughed. "Incoming."

"Dad!" The blurred shapes of Lila and Cooper launched at their father, wrapping around him and squeezing him as tight as they could. They looked so much bigger now, all grown-up.

Tony blinked rapidly. "There are... smaller agents."

Lila bounced on her toes. "Did you bring Aunty Nat? Where's Marie?"

"Why don't you hug her and find out?" Nat smiled and gathered the ball of Lila that barreled towards her. Marie snuck behind them and tickled Lila's sides.

"Hey! What about m-m-me?"

Lila immediately threw her arms around Marie and clung to her like a koala. Marie choked, wincing at the girl's tight grip but smiled none-the-less.

"I've missed you! We haven't seen you in forever. Where did you go?"

Marie smoothed a hand over Lila's hair. "I know, it's been a-a-a long time."

Steve, recovering from his shock, cleared his throat and respectfully folded his hands in front of him. "Sorry for barging in on you."

"We would have called ahead," Tony nagged, "but we were busy having no idea you existed."

"Fury helped me set this up when I joined, kept it off S.H.I.E.L.D.'s files. I'd like to keep it that way," Clint said, glancing between them. "I figured it's a good place to lay low."

Marie grimaced and shifted Lila's weight. "You're so heavy now."

Lila laughed as Marie dramatically groaned and dropped her on the floor. She shook out her arms and stretched her back. When did she get so big? How did that happen?

Laura moved to hug Nat. "Hi, honey. I missed you."

"How's little Natasha?" Nat cooed to Laura's belly. Marie scoffed and playfully bumped her hip.

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