Avengers: Chapter Ten

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Goodbyes are weird.

They could be temporary. Maybe you'll see them again tomorrow, or next week, or next month. Maybe in six months. Maybe next year. But, sometimes they're permanent, if you're lucky enough to be with a loved one in their last moments. Or, you left with no intention of coming back.

Marie had never said goodbye to anyone before.

Her mother died at her birth. Her father—well, it was her fault anyway.

She had lived her entire life in isolation. The nearest neighbor was three miles away. She never went to school. She didn't have any friends. Before New York, all she had were her books. She never had to say goodbye to the characters; she could always start all over again.

So, saying goodbye to the Avengers was hard. Marie's chest ached, her heart squeezing with each beat. She tried—and failed—to muster a smile.

Marie watched silently as Dr. Selvig placed the Tesseract into a more secure case. Thor took it gratefully, clasping the doctor's shoulder.

Her eyes slid to Loki. He had been muzzled like a dog. He looked sad, frustrated, and exhausted. She struggled to feel empathy for him. He didn't have to take over the world. He didn't have to kill Coulson. Yet the muzzle made her uncomfortable—she saw her own restraints reflected in his—and she looked away.

"Goodbye, Lady Marie." Thor pressed a kiss to her hand. "I am glad you are feeling better."

Warmth flooded her cheeks. "Thanks. Have fun in As-As-Asgard."

Natasha whispered something into Clint's ear. He wore black sunglasses that hid his eyes solely to make himself look scarier (fact). His impassive expression broke at whatever Natasha said and he smirked.

"I will see you all again," Thor promised. With that, he and Loki disappeared with the Tesseract.

"I'd say we were successful," Tony said.

Marie shrugged, rocking back on her heels. "What-What happens now?"

"Now, we go back to work," Natasha replied. Marie's shoulders drooped. Not exactly what she was hoping to hear. She was delaying the inevitable. Of course, she was going back to S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury would never let her be anywhere else.

Steve shook hands with Tony.

"Where to, Capsicle?"

Steve shrugged and looked at his bike. "I don't know. I have some things to figure out."

"Well, you're all welcome to crash at the Tower whenever," Tony said, straightening his suit. "Once repairs are finished and a few, uh, modifications are made."

Marie appeared next to Steve as he got on his motorcycle.

"You-You'll keep in contact?" She asked and tapped his new cellphone.

"If I can figure it out."

Marie smiled, ignoring the lump in her throat. "I'll find you if-if-if you can't."



Steve laughed and stood to hug her—well, more like engulfed her in a mass of muscle. She wrapped her arms around him in return and he squeezed her tighter. She was glad no one could see her smile. She could get used to this hugging business. But she didn't like letting go.

"Take care of yourself, Marie," Steve murmured, pulling back.

She nodded, sniffling slightly. "Go on your crazy little-crazy little adventure, Capsicle."

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