The first day

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Third person POV:

It was a dark day for the whole academy, with something making all the students feel some sort of an unknown will to kill eachother, or even themselves

Decelis Academy:  10:28 PM

"Today at 10:28 student Lee Taeyong from class B24 was reported to be dead because of a suicide attempt, we're still investigating the details, warning for all of our dear students, stay inside your rooms and never get out of the academy at any cost until another announcement, thank you, stay safe."

as the announcement was made through the speakers for everyone to hear, all the students rushed to their dorms, there was someone who was already in their room, actually, two not just one, Lee Jiwoo and her childhood friend Mia

The two best friends stopped their chatter to hear the announcement until something caught Jiwoo's attention "Lee Taeyong? That name is similar but i don't remember when did i hear it before..." she trailed off recieving a flick on her forehead from her friend "Aish.. what was that for?".

Her best friend looked at her offended
" how dare you not remember him?" Jiwoo looked at her weirdly rolling her eyes at Mia's sudden actions "why should i remember him? is he a royality or something?" Jiwoo said sarcastically causing her to recieve another flick on her forehead.

"What the hell Mia?! stop doing this it hurts!" Jiwoo said rubbing her forehead "He's my ex, dummy!" Mia said making Jiwoo's lips form an 'o' shape then she suddenly started laughing.

"what's so funny?" Mia looked at her best friend who's a laughing mess right now with amusement "Isn't he the one I slapped in front of the whole academy for making you cry?" Jiwoo said wiping her nonexistent tears "Yeah... he is" Mia replied making Jiwoo laugh harder "well, guess he got what he deserved".

But little did little Jiwoo know that she was being watched, he was watching her from outside with his eyes shining brighter than a golden star at midnight while she was busy making fun of the now dead boy with her friend.

Unknown place 12:32 AM

" It's been a week now, I still can't get inside her mind, not even a bit!" the prince said, getting angry at his powers that don't seem to be working on his target.

"Do you want me to try to-" His closest friend was cut off with a loud shout from his prince "NO! she's mine!" his friend ran his fingers brushing his hair back, not seeming to be surprised by the prince's sudden outburst.

"You know, old books always speak the truth through their words, and the old books say that when a human isn't affected by a demon's commands then, he or she are meant to be lovers" the prince's oldest friend stated while searching for any reaction from the young man before him.

The prince looked at his friend darkly while his eyes shined gold like the burning sun "I WOULD NEVER LOVE A HUMAN! I'M HERE TO KILL HER!"


"Bring her to me"

𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐥-김 선우 Where stories live. Discover now