3.Incompleted plan

183 26 11

Decelis Academy 4:16 A.M

"If what you're saying is true, then there's no way but to get rid of her myself" The young prince stated calmly after cooling down his temper.

3 days later

"How about that... I give her a taste of her own medicine" The Kim smirked as his gaze turned as dark as his soul.  "What do you mean, Your majesty?" The man with big bambi eyes asked slowly, aware of the prince's short temper.

The young man sighed "I will take my revenge, i will make her suffer, i will make her feel the same way i felt when she left." The so called friend of the prince slightly opened his mouth "You don't mean to-" As soon as the Lee asked he was interrupted by a command by his prince "Bring her to me".

༺......................... ༻

For everyone at the academy it was an another gloomy, cold day, But it wasn't for our dear Jiwoo who was fooling around with her friends while making funny faces and telling jokes making everyone laugh.

But for the others outside the academy they were just watching, waiting for the right time to do their jobs, waiting for the right time to kill.

༺....................... ༻

Decelis Academy: The campus 8:00 P.M

The academy campus started to get full of students as it was the time for the first period to start. Some students were running late to their lessons, amd there he was, Kim Sunoo The supposed new student walking slowly while checking out the halls as if he was on some sort of a feild trip.

"Yah! What are you doing in the halls now? The lessons already started" One of the teachers shouted from the far back of the hallway making the new transfer student stop to look at the source of the sound.

"Oh, I'm really sorry i'm new here and i think i lost my way to the class" the young prince made a fake innocent surprised expression as his eyes started to glow gold... something about his eyes lured the teacher in, as the Kim smirked getting ready to finish his victim.. But something... or should we say someone stopped him from turning the teacher into an empty body without a soul.


"Hello! Are you new here?"


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