7.The Start

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Seoul, february 2019:
Sunoo's POV:

It has been two months since i came here, disguised as one of those lowlife creatures called humans.

My mission is only to catch one of the former workers of our kingdom, She was the most beautiful and powerful girl in the underworld, she was a witch, or... she prefers being called a Caster, she has always considered the word 'Witch' as the worst insult ever.

Her name was Lee Jiwoo, She was young, So young but she was the most powerful caster the underworld has ever seen, but... unfortunately, she Betrayed us.

Lee Jiwoo was a young 16 years old caster, but ever since she was 10,she has always liked to major in magic, she loved to study about it, it was her passion, and when she turned Eighteen, she got to be crowned as the official caster of the demon kingdom, everybody loved her even more, everyone treated her liked a princess, including me.

She was a relative of a friend of mine, he worked in the palace too, but i always considered him as a brother and he was Lee Heeseung he was the most person i could trust, and sadly, she was his sister,nobody trusted him after what his sister did and ran away, ever since then nobody trusted him.

I mean... what did you expect everyone to do? to cheer for him?  'What did she do to deserve all this hatred?' you might ask, well, the so called 'Caster' gave our enemies the secret of The sunset pearl.

That pearl is what holds everything together, the power of most of our kingdom depended on it, And since Jiwoo knew about its' location, She told our enemies about it, in exchange for her safety when they attack our kingdom.

But actually... that's not the real reason for me being here, I'm not here to find her for doing what she did... Jiwoo made a bigger mistake, Much bigger mistake.

Lee Jiwoo made me Love her and  trust her She broke the walls of my heart and made me believe that she was the one for me, them she simply... Left.

I sentence Lee Jiwoo to be Pacified for doing the crime of making me love again, Lee Jiwoo is Guilty For making me believe that love still existed.


Seoul, 24th of February 2019:

I watched Jiwoo from a far spot while she shuffled with her keys opening her apartment door, It was 12:04 AM, what was she doing out this late, probably fooling people with her little pretty innocent face that i once found my peace in looking at.

Third person POV:
24th of February 2019 9:13 AM

Jiwoo went out of her apartment early in the morning, going to Work, pretending to be an actual human, hiding her real identity from everyone, but... she changed how she looked, as if she was another person, but she didn't know that she was being watched by someone.

"Shapeshifting? really Joo?" Sunoo said in sarcasm, finding her choices the funniest to him.

"Who told you that that was the reason i told them about your feaking precious little pearl you idiot?!"


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