4.Fire eyes

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Decelis academy 8:13 PM

"Hello! Are you new here?" The Clueless Lee Waved while smiling innocently at the handsome prince trying to be friends with him.

"Oh... well, Actually yes! I'm new here, Can you show me around?" The kim asked with a fake smile, but oh well.. He can act really good.

"Of course i can! But if you don't mind me asking, Which grade are you in?" Jiwoo asked trying to guess the age of the handsome boy standing in front of her... But something caught her attention when his eyes started glowing.

"I'm.. sorry, what were we saying?... I-i feel dizzy... What's that smell..." Before our little Jiwoo could fall on the floor, she fell between Sunoo's arms instead "It's alright princess, You're with me now".

The young blonde boy smirked showing his marble white teeth just a little bit "I got you know".

Lee Jiwoo's POV:

Once i woke up i found myself in a spacious room... It had a dark theme, like really dark, also my head was spinning... I tried to call for help since i was locked up in the creepy room but no voice came out so i started panicking, my eyes got teary.. i wad on the verge of crying.. Until the new boy opened the door.

My saviour I thought once i saw him "Oh my god, thank you so much for helping me out, I don't know what happened i smelled some kind of perfume and then i felt dizzy and woke up here and-" i cut myself off and started fanning my face with my hands to prevent my eyes from watering... Until i heared the boy chuckle.

"I never thought you could be THAT stupid... You still don't understand? seriously?" he looked at me in disbelief as if i had to understand anything.. who's that stupid boy?.

"How did you know my name?" i looked at him as if he grew horns, surprised that he knew my name "You are that stupid, The name tag dumb dumb!" he said in a rude way making me more angry, can you possibly hate someone in the very first day you meet them? cuz i guess that's what happened.

"O-oh hahaha.. i forgot" i smiled nervously trying to hide the amount of embarrassment I'm feeling right now, But my cheeks said a big fat NO for helping me hiding it.

"Aww is my little Jiwoo blushing?" the blonde boy started making fun of me while i think his eyes shined a hint of blue but came back to normal in an instant "I'm not your little Jiwoo, And HOW THE HELL DID I GET HERE?!" I shouted catching the boy off guard with my short temper, well i might look innocent but my temper is shorter than the shortest thing on the planet when i get angry.

"Calm down girl, Anyways.. I'm Kim Sunoo And I'm here to get rid of you" the Sunoo guy talked confidently "Pffffttt- Wait wait.. YOU! are here to get rid of ME?! alright coconut head, I'm outta here" i was about to go past him and get out but he held my wrist tightly,looking at me in wonder while mumbling "Why can't i get in?".


" Nice lens bro, Where'd you get it?"


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