The clueless little one

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Decelis academy 12:04 A.m

"Can't get in where?" Jiwoo asked, copying the reaction the boy before her did.

"YOUR FREAKIN' MIND!!" The prince shouted making the Lee jump a little cause of his sudden outburst while he was tightening his hold on her wrist making her squeak in pain.

"Oh my god- sorry about your wrist, you're the one who annoyed me tho" Sunoo spoke once he sat the girl's wrist free from his tight grip.

"EXCUSE ME?! I'M THE ANNOYING ONE NOW?! You're the one who kidnapped me you coconut head!" Jiwoo screamed in anger while knocking on Sunoo's head as if it was a watermelon making him hiss in pain.

"YAH! Stop doing this or i will break your hand!" The tall boy stared darkly and spoke while holding Jiwoo's hand that was knocking on his head five seconds ago.

And after a few seconds, the room was just filled with both of the teens' high screams and shouts while they hit eachother.


"You little stupid coconut head! i hate you so much... you're such an evil human being, you're the earth's stupidness factory!....." The Kim watched the short girl in amusement while she called him weird names that he was hearing for the first time "Are you done?" the prince spoke in boredom trying to make Jiwoo shut up.

"NO! i will say what i want and YOU will listen, understand?" The short one spoke in a bossy tone making the prince smirk "Yes ma'am".

Sunoo sat down and listened to Jiwoo ranting about how much of a bad person he is but he also had another thing on mind making Jiwoo's voice sound blurry.

'Okay Kim Sunoo pull yourself together!' He took a deep breath and decided to give his powers a second chance. His eyes started shining once he opened his eyes, Taking advantage of how talkative Jiwoo is he tried to get inside her mind again.

The talking machine, Jiwoo, stopped ranting once she noticed the prince's glowing eyes "Nice lens bro! Where'd ya get it?" The girl held his face between her hands, Cupping his cheeks making him look like a squishy little piece of mochi while staring at his shining orbs.

"Woooow can you actually see me clearly from all that glitter? it's like you're putting LED bulbs in your eyes bro!" The Kim was caught off guard cause of Jiwoo's sudden description about his eyes.

'Is she really the Jiwoo i fell inlove with? Is she really MY Jiwoo that betrayed me and my kingdom? The one that broke my heart and made my feelings worthless?' The prince asked himself, Wondering how could she be the same evil witch that broke him.

"You were the worst person i've ever met, But how are you making me fall for you all over again?"


Don't be a silent little Bon bon, Vote and comment and tell me what do you think about my story so far♡.

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