Missing piece

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"Woooow can you actually see me clearly from all that glitter? it's like you're putting LED bulbs in your eyes bro!" The Kim was caught off guard cause of Jiwoo's sudden description about his eyes.

"I-i was born... like that. and also as you know most of the students here have such powers" The prince answered the short girl's sudden question trying to play it cool to hide his embarrassment because of his former lover's touch.

"Actually.... you're the first student i saw here that has powers... by the way what's your power?" Jiwoo spoke, furrowing her eyebrows, seeing how suspicious the boy in front of her is. "My powers are none of your business, AND look here shortie, if you DON'T get on my nerves, i might reconsider sending your soul to burn in hell".

The Kim spoke with a resting face then suddenly smiled and moved his face closer to hers, letting her observe his heavenly features up close... even though he is the prince of the underworld.

His shiny yellow eyes like a burning star, his perfect nose, his red as blood lips.
She just stood still, not being able to believe that there's a person in this world who could be this breathtaking.

And for a moment there, she got lost in his shiny orbs 'My queen, How did you become even more beautiful? we were together yesterday and i thought you couldn't be more beautiful... but i guess i was wrong'

She heared  faint voices in her head, the voice was way too familiar, it was like a flashback, and she actually felt as if she knew the boy in front of her before.

Jiwoo reached out her hand to rest it on Sunoo's cheek, and at that exact moment  she felt as if time stopped, she started seeing alot of shots of sunoo, smiling, holding her hands, she even heard his faint voice saying  'I promise to love you forever no matter what the consequences are'

And it was actually his voice, his face, his smile,his hands holding hers and caressing her face gently, his eyes staring right into her soul while telling her how much he loved her, it was him!.

'were we really like that? what did i see just now? is he really the missing piece that will give me my memories back?' She pulled back her hand away from his face while gaining back her long lost self, while gaining back her long lost memories "S-Sunoo? It's really you? on that night... why did you leave me?" Jiwoo asked in wonder, shedding a tear cause of the fact that her lover left her, or atleast that was what she thought.

"You know.... You were the worst person I've ever known, But how are you making me fall for you all over again? How are you doing this to me? I never left you! you were the one who betrayed me! you were the one that made me feel worthless, What are you even talking about?!" The prince talked in a tight tone, trying to hide how hurt he is "I would never love a person like you, EVER".

The prince got out of the room like a tornado, angry at the girl who dared to say that he gave up on her when he actually loved her the most, maybe even angry at himself for loving such a person.


"We were never meant to be, but you always steal my thoughts, you made me have so much desire for something that was never meant to be mine"


tell me your opinion about my plot please♡.

𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐥-김 선우 Where stories live. Discover now