9. Loss

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Decelis Academy, 1:32 AM, December 14th, 2022

Author's POV:

"If you ever really loved me, you would've atleast tried to ask me instead of just going after me to take my soul.. Actually, It's too bad.. too bad that you made me fall for you to the point you made me forget that you were a demon, a wicked one! I mean.. what did i even expect from you? that you would actually try to hear me out? what an idiot that i am!"

Jiwoo spat her words at the latter who felt every letter she mouthed as if it was daggers meant to capture his heart in the most painful way possible.

"You were right, i wasn't meant to be yours ever since the beginning" And just like that, she left the dimly lit room without a second word and surprisingly.. he didn't even try to stop her. he simply.. let her go.

The deafening silence fell after the loud thud of the door caused by the fuming girl that has left the room seconds ago to swallow the prince into the void of his anger and guilt thay ate him up while the other headed back to her dorm room while the prince finally let the cold faced mask he always places on his face around others fall and be placed by his empty and broken expression while he tried to absorb all the information he got from his former lover.. it was all too much for him to take and to understand afterall.. what would you do when you find out that all you were trying to take your revenge for.. never even existed?

The demon let himself finally breakdown which is a rare view for his friend that has been standing in a dark corner in the room, observing the events that had just happened without uttering a word, it would be an understatement to say that the prince's personal servant was surprised cause the sight of the demon prince actually crying was stunning for him, never had he ever seen him that broken.

"I-I.. I ruined everything, why did i have to go this far, Why?!" the prince yelled at himself as he brushed his fingers through his blonde locks in frustration, words not being actually able to form in his brain to be vocalised into sentences, he wasn't able to process that he has officially lost the girl he has always longed for the longest time that could be ever imagined. so the only thing he could do was just scream in agony of losing his soul's once other half that has slipped from between his fingers.

Love could be painful more than a long wished for dream.. couldn't it?

Sunoo cried and cried, it went all night long.. to be honest, it was all he could do cause at the end, there was nothing to be done at this point.. it was the first time the prince has experienced how bad a heartbreak could feel.

"Is she really... gone?" Sunoo asked to no one certainly but his personal servant, Heeseung, who happens to be his formal lover's older brother was already there nevertheless to answer his questions.

The Lee sighed in disappointed afyer hearing the prince's desperate cries for the nth time through this long night but he knew that the prince needed someone to answer him, to tell him that everything is not really over, even though Heeseung has never approved their relationship since he knew it would end up in a painful heartbreak for both of them but he didn't really have a say, he had such a hard headed little sister that would do especially anything he didn't approve, she was frustrating at some point for him, but she was still his beloved baby sis, he could never give up on her.. even if she thought he did when he was only trying to keep her away from trouble.. it was such a world filled with misunderstandings that wouldn't be solved anytime soon, all he could do was hope for everything to be back to normal, even though deep down inside.. he knew none of this was normal and it will never be.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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