Itsy bitsy Airachnid Part 2

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Meanwhile Arcee and Emily are driving along the way towards their destination as Emily was glancing at Arcee who's been silent for quite some time and she couldn't help but worry. The silence reigned for a while before Emily broke it with a concerned voice.

"Um, Arcee, are you sure you're okay?" Emily asked in concern slowly as Arcee glanced at her with her side view mirror.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay." Arcee answered her shortly but Emily could hear the hesitance in her voice

"Are you sure about that? Ever since we left the abandoned gas station, you've been pretty quiet." Emily raised an eyebrow and Arcee handed it to her for being observant.

"I'm sorry about that." Arcee apologized as Emily smiled softly at her.

"I can see that there's something you're not telling me. You said earlier that this place made you think about someone. Care to tell me?" She asked curiously as she turned back to the road. Arcee thinks about it for a moment before making the decision on telling her.

"Follow me." Arcee told her as she made a turn.

Emily turns around and follows her as Arcee takes Emily somewhere that Arcee knows. After a few minutes, they arrived at the place as they slowed down.

"We're here." Arcee told her as they slowed to a stop.

Arcee and Emily come to a complete stop as Arcee transforms back and Emily turns her motorcycle engine off and parks it before taking off her helmet before looking around their surroundings and she grows curious.

"Where are we?" Emily asked curiously as they slid down and looked around as Arcee started to walk forward and Emily followed.

"This is the place where Bulk, Miko and I found the Polarity Gauntlet." Arcee told her as she began her little story. The name made Emily confused and curious as she looked up to her friend and mother figure.

"The Polarity Gauntlet?" Emily asked curiously as a small smile appeared on Arcee's face-plate as she nodded.

"A magnetic weapon created by the Decepticons long ago. We saw Breakdown and... someone else fought for it. In order to fight them, we put Miko to safety first." Emily snorted with a smile as she was told by both Jack and Bulkhead that Miko always sneaks through the ground bridge whenever she finds the opportunity.

"It figures. So let me guess you fought the cons and something happened during the fight that triggered the Polarity Gauntlet." Emily puts a hand on her hip as she looks at Arcee who chuckled softly as she nodded.

"Yeah. A big brute called Breakdown. He magnetized me to Bulkhead." Emily raised an amused eyebrow at this as Arcee grins softly.

"Really?" She asked in amusement as she tried to picture it.

"Yeah. In a way, I got Bulkhead's back." This made Emily snicker as she tried to stop a giggle or two from escaping.

"Wait... You're telling me that you got magnetized onto Bulkhead's back?" Emily couldn't stop her giggles as she started laughing.

"Yeah and let me tell you that you don't wanna be there when he lands on his back. Trust me." Arcee couldn't help but laugh as well since she finds it painful yet funny.

They both ended up laughing for five minutes before they calmed down as Emily wipes a tear from laughing too hard.

"Okay, I have to admit it's a fun story. But you didn't tell me who the other con was." Emily smiled before growing curious about who the other Decepticon that Arcee didn't tell her.

"Someone I'd hope I wouldn't ever have to tell you about. The other con was.... Airachnid." This confused Emily but she could hear the malice and anger in Arcee's voice.

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