The Reunion Part 2

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The Science Teacher was reading the newspaper and drinking a cup of coffee while the kids were working on their quiz papers.

Most of the students were able to answer correctly while some struggled to try and get the right answer. Among those who were struggling to answer correctly was Miko who was struggling the most. The stress was gaining on her since she had a hard time finding the answer. And when she started to look at Tai, who had no problem answering all of the questions in the pop quiz. When Tai started to look at her, he gave her a thumbs up. It was a way for him to wish her good luck.

Miko blushed a bit and started to move a teensy bit of her hair, a sign that she was nervous yet happy that someone believes in her despite what a certain person thinks. When Miko saw that Jack was moving his head as if he was saying 'oh brother', Miko sticks her tongue out at him to tell Jack that she doesn't care what he thinks.

"Oh brother..." Jack whispered while shaking his head.

"I hope this doesn't get worse when we leave the school." Raf whispered worriedly.

"Me too." Emily whispered while not looking up from her paper.

Jack started to ignore Miko's childish attitude and tried to focus on answering his paper correctly so that he could get the average note but for some reason there was something distracting him and that something was Sierra.

Jack couldn't help but feel awed by her beauty. Both of them make eye contact which makes Jack nervous. To avoid any sort of weirdness, he acted as if he was working. This made Sierra laugh silently, in a way she thought that Jack's reaction was cute.

"Maybe you should try and focus on the exam and not on Sierra." Raf whispered as he glanced at him.

"Yeah, I know that. I wonder if that laugh she made earlier was something good. What do you think?" Jack whispered hopefully as Raf gave him a confused look.

"Why do you ask me? I'm no expert in girls." Raf whispered but stopped when the teacher spoke.

"Quiet. No talking during the exam." The science teacher said.

The Science Teacher had heard the students talking and reminded them that talking is not allowed during a pop quiz. After getting warned, the whole class kept silent. Meanwhile outside, the Autobots were waiting for the kids to come out.

"The kids sure are taking their sweet time." Arcee said as she checked her chronometer since the kids were supposed to come out a few kliks ago.

Bumblebee beeps in agreement since Raf and the others should have been out by now. Bulkhead was unusually quiet, knew that there was something about today but can't remember.

"Can someone remind me what day we are?" Bulkhead asked.

"Uh, Wednesday?" Arcee asked as Bulkhead hummed.

"Wednesday. Hmm, there's something about it. Let me think. Hmm..." Bulkhead hummed as he went into thought.

"This is gonna take a long time. If his brain overloads while trying to think too much, we should call Ratchet for a ground bridge." Arcee said as Optimus spoke up.

"Bulkhead may not be the most clever of our elements. But his value and his intelligence must not be put in doubt. A team is more than cleverness." Optimus said but he was as well curious why the kids were taking too long to come out of their school.

A Spark's Life That Shines Book 1 (TFP Fanfiction) [Slow Updates/Haitus]Where stories live. Discover now