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{I got you.}


Word Count; 5,155

Everything had blown up as soon as Costa's boots hit the ground.

Chaotic yelling and banging reverberated off the buildings, causing Todoroki and Costa to share a panicked glance before breaking out into a sprint. Costa activated her quirk, Todoroki not far behind her. Light and ice raced around the building, coming to a stop in front of the abandoned warehouse.

Just as it came into view, Costa heard explosions coming from the east. She whipped her head around just in time to see green lightning and sparks rounding the opposite corner. Her eyes caught on a head of ash blonde hair. Todoroki nudged her, diverting her attention as he said, "Look."

Costa's eyes widened. Blue flames erupted from the busted windows, loud, mysterious banging occurring inside. Scorch marks coated the eroded walls, the wooden doors searing with smoke. Costa took a step forward. Todoroki reached for her wrist.

"We haven't gotten the signal-"

"I know," Costa breathed out, her instincts settling into her usual calm state as her eyes flitted over the building. A spark of worry ignited in the pit of her stomach, for Mirko, but it was quickly put out by her trust in the hero. She could handle just about anything, Costa had no doubt. Footsteps coming their way had her turning again, crimson eyes coming into view.

"What the hell is going on?" Katsuki's voice was raspier than usual as he approached Todoroki and Costa, Midoriya following behind him. Costa briefly glanced at the green-haired boy, who shot her a nervous smile. Todoroki's grip on her wrist tightened and she shrugged him off, meeting Katsuki half-way. "We need to secure the perimeter and exits."

He rolled his eyes. "No shit."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Then get your ass moving- why come over here if you're aware of what you need to do?"

The irritated look on her face told Katsuki she was still unhappy with him. His eyes flitted to Todoroki standing beside her, a glare taking over his face. He clicked his tongue, rage sizzling on his skin at a red hot temperature. "Don't fucking touch her, got it?"

Costa's eyes widened, "I just know you are not doing this right now."

Todoroki cocked his head to the side, "Why don't you go do your job and let us do ours, Bakugou?" The blonde's eye began twitching, his fingers curling into fists at his sides. Sparks erupted from those fists. Midoriya's eyes flashed with concern as he took a step forward, "Kacchan don-"

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