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I finished planning out the rest of the story today and there's literally not even ten chapters left. I'm fr gonna cry when I finish, this had been such a ride <3

 I'm fr gonna cry when I finish, this had been such a ride <3

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{Moving Forward}


Word Count; 5,920

When Hana said the press was bad, she meant it.

Costa had finally gotten a hold of her phone for the first time in the past couple of days and it was literally glitching from hundreds of notifications. She skimmed through all of the worried messages, as well as the questions and harassment from numbers she didn't even have saved, not to mention the fact that her name and face was plastered across every social media platform and news blog.

She'd spent all of five minutes reading comments, backlash, and even a sliver of support from her community before she threw her phone across the room in frustration. Hana had yelled at her for it but she couldn't even stand holding the device in her hands, knowing what was on it.

Katsuki had come back in the room after stepping out to talk call his mom when he saw that defeated look on her face- blatant numbness so prominent laced with the conflict in her sharp features. She sat on her hospital bed and curled in over herself, resting her chin in between her knees. It made his chest squeeze with concern as he sat down beside her.

She didn't bring up what happened again though, not as the three of them waited until Aizawa and All Might had knocked on the door. Costa perked up when she heard the knock, anxiety briefly skimping across her eyes as she glanced at the doorknob.

Hana ushered them in quickly and they kept their heads down. Supposedly a camera crew had been staking out at the entrance, just for one picture of her- of the mess that followed the kidnapping. She wondered if All Might and Aizawa had to push through them, if they were bombarded with questions.

They filed into the room and removed their jackets. All Might took up his spot in the corner, near the door, as Aizawa stepped up to the foot of her bed, expressionless eyes finally dropping to take her in. She sat perched on the bed, her hair thrown up into a messy ponytail, under-eyes stained with a sleepy mauve. She mustered a nod in greeting and his eyes narrowed, a sign of concern hidden by nonchalant gestures.

"Hi." She said, as if she had nothing else to start with. "You missed me?"

Aizawa shook his head at her habit of remaining humorous in serious circumstances. But it also eased his shoulders a bit, softened his heart rate, to know she still had that in her-- that inner-child she always carried around with her. At least that wasn't completely gone, although, her eyes spoke differently. They looked jaded, tired, less freshly golden- more worn down.

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