Chapter 2

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After breakfast, Robbie and I cleaned up and I showered. When I returned back to my room, I picked up the heart shirt I slept in. It doesn't seem so scary anymore, but I will not wear it to bed tonight, I decide.

I hung it up on a hanger and sat on my bed. On my desk sat the form for the selection. I pondered whether to fill it out or not, but I ended up getting up and walking into the living room, where my mother was, instead.

"Hi darling." My mom said with a sigh.

"Hey mom." I spoke while I sat down next to her.

"Is there something you want to talk about?" She asked me.

After a moment of silence, I answered, "The selection. Should I do it? Should I fill out the form?"

"Honey, it's all up to you. If you keep talking about it all the time I think you should."

"But what if I get selected? I can't leave you guys." I already lost Uncle Tim, I added in my head.

"Then you go." She said nodding.

"And what if I don't get selected?"

"Then you don't. Honey, you need to decide this for yourself. I think you should fill the form out and trust the outcome. If it tells you to go, then that's how it's meant to be. And if it tells you to stay, well, then you're meant to stay. Trust yourself."

I thought about her words for a while. Maybe she's right. If I fill this out, I'm meant to do what it says. But just the thought of not being with my family steals my heart. I don't know what I will do, but I know I can get this planned out.

"Thanks mom. I love you." I said and leaned over to give her a hug.

"Of course, Em."

I got up and walked back to my room. I sat down at my desk and came face to face with the form.

I want to do this, but I don't want to leave my family. Although, I bet I won't even be selected. I'm a four. Prince Ryan will end up falling in love with a nice two or three, not a four. And if I was selected, I bet I wouldn't even be there long before I was eliminated.

These thoughts stayed in me for a while until I picked up a pen and started filling it out. The questions were pretty basic and I only took about five minutes to fill the whole thing out.

I walked out of room and back to my mom who was now at the kitchen table with my dad and Robbie. I handed the form to her and she glanced it over.

"The time has come! Prince Ryan is now ready to choose a wife! The annual Selection will be taking place in the palace with King Jacob, Queen Marcy, and of course, Prince Ryan! We ask for as many 15, 16, and 17 year old girls of all castes to fill out the Selection form and send it to the palace officials as soon as possible.

NAME: Emily Blake


PERSONALITY TRAITS: Calm, dependable, honest, outspoken, responsible.

REASON FOR APPLYING: The experience of going to the palace seems spectacular. Prince Ryan is a great prince and is very attractive in my own opinion. I believe my concentration on tasks will allow me to become a good choice as princess and my determination will bring me to amazing opportunities.

EXTRA INFORMATION: I am 17 currently, and I live in Virginia Beach in Virginia.

On behalf of the palace officials, we thank you for completing this form! Please send it as soon as you possibly can! Thank you and good luck!"

After my mom read it, she looked up and gave me a smile.

"I'll mail this in the morning!" She cheered.

She ran over and gave me a hug while my dad was reading it.

"Alright! Great job, pumpkin!" He said.

"I wanna read it!" Robbie whined.

I didn't realize they would all be so happy for me. This could mean I was leaving, and they were happy about that. But maybe I should be happy too.

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