Chapter 38

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After I went to my room, I thought. I thought about what Blair said and it wasn't entirely false. Amelia and I were floating on the same boat, and sooner or later, one of us will go overboard.

Keeping these thoughts in place, Amelia and I became a bit more serious with each other. The tea party later that day consisted of us barely talking and Ryan and Blair doing nothing but.

I watched them closely. Blair kept smiling ridiculously, just as Edison had done. I figured she was flirting, but that would mean Edison was flirting with me too, and that just wasn't a possibility. Ryan, however, stayed calm and stern; taking control of the entire conversation.

Amelia sat with the rest of the French royals, who were also accompanied by our own King and Queen. She giggled and laughed, yet still stayed professional. I sat by myself at a table and sipped some green tea.

The party was a success. The tea was excellent, the tables were presentable, and the servers wore special white gloves. I was impressed, but still depressed. The party would have been a ton better if Blair and her off-putting parents were not here.

I sighed an observed from the back, careful not to make eye-contact with any unwanted guests. (Including Amelia.)

However, it was the day after the party. Blair and her family lingered a bit, but ended up leaving around the early afternoon. I spent the day with the doctors looking at my wound. They decided it was healing nicely and suggested I try walking around on it for a while. When I tried to do so, it felt relieving, comforting, and stung all at once. I insisted I could do just fine without the crutches and ended up persuading the doctors into letting me go without them. This was the highlight of my day.

I moped around the rest of the day and laid in bed, until a knock came on my door after I dismissed Chelsea and Karen for bed.

When I opened it, Ryan stood, "Want to go swimming?"

I sighed a smile.

Yes, he brought me a bathing suit. It was a bikini that fit well and had white polka dots scattered throughout the salmon color. I loved it. I pinned my hair up, and when I came out of my bathroom, Ryan stood in swimming trunks.

This mainly took my breath away because I had never seen him without his shirt. I hid my gasps, but my blushing cheeks gave myself away in no time. I managed to shake it off and follow Ryan down to the pond.

It was dark and foggy. The crickets chirped and the moon glowed. I didn't know exactly why Ryan wanted to go swimming at such a time, but I didn't mind. I stared into his breathtaking eyes and lost myself. He snapped me into reality immediately once he began talking.

"I am so sorry. Blair was nothing like she used to be."

"No, it is okay. I don't even care anymore," I shook my head.

"She was trying to flirt with me. I had to refuse and order her to be taken to her room so she would stop. She was a good friend, but she no longer understands how to control herself."

"You could say that again," I mumbled, "She totally destroyed my friendship with Amelia. We haven't talked since Blair arrived."

He rubbed his forehead and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "I'm sorry for such an awful weekend," he pulled me closer, embracing me into a hug. He added a kiss on the top of my head to emphasize his care.

"Why did you ask me to go swimming, Ryan?"

"I wanted to see you. It hasn't been the best weekend for me either."

I sighed, but then put a smile on my face. I ran out of his arms as fast as I could, but still managed to hear him laugh as I jumped into the pond. The water was cold, but refreshing. It tingled my thigh for a moment, but then sent a rush of energy throughout my body. It was a good way to end a harsh weekend.

"Come in!" I yelled.

He laughed and then jumped in. The splash he made got me off guard and hit my face. We screamed and laughed and jumped. The night was romantic. I loved this side of him.

It was when we got back inside when the fun began. We crawled into my room and dried off with a few towels. Of course it was late, past our usual curfew, but that didn't stop us. When has it ever? I locked the door, and that was when I was sure of what we would do.

We I crawled under the canopy and under the sheets, he placed his lips vigorously on mine. The harsh but loving kiss reminded me of the elite party and when we kissed this way in the library. A lot has happened since then. Although, one thing was different about the way he kissed me in the empty library from the way he was now. That different feeling was how I trusted he wouldn't take anything out of hand. Now, however, I didn't care what Ryan had in mind for us to do. I loved him.

He kept his lips on mine and trailed his hands up and down my back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pushed me back. We were sitting a minute ago, but now I was laying on my back with his body practically on top of me. His kisses were rough, but careful. He was just proving to me that he loved me. Maybe these fast, rough kisses were screaming words that he could not find himself.

We continued to kiss for a while. The only sounds in the room were gasps for breath and the ruffle of sheets. Although, I couldn't hear any of that. I was too focused on him and the passion between us.

Our shoes managed to kick off and his shirt managed to come unbuttoned along with the unzipped back of my dress. The dark room was only enough for me to outline his face and his eyes. His sharp eyes. We laid under the blankets and he cuddled me close. He then slid his hands into the back of my dress and slipped it off.

• • •

He left in the middle of the night. I woke up to the sound of Karen ordering me oatmeal for breakfast and Chelsea hanging up dresses. On the table next to my bed, a note sat.

Dear, dear Emily,

I didn't want your maids to come in the morning and see you without clothes on. So I folded your dress on the couch and wrapped you in your robe.

Love, Ryan.

P.S. nightgowns are far too complicated.

I let out a small laugh and my maids looked curious to see what made me smile.

"Your robe?" Karen pointed.

I looked down and sure enough my robe was tied around me, "Ah, yes, I took a bath last night... I must've fallen asleep."

I folded the note and Karen continued, "That must explain your wet hair."

Actually, the wet hair was from the pond, but I was okay with excluding that detail.

"It's a big day today! Better start getting prepared," Chelsea chimed.

"How come?" I asked.

"Prince Ryan is choosing between you and Amelia for his wife today. You two will be sent to the main room later this evening on behalf of the proposal," she smirked.

My heart sank.

"Who told you this?"

"Prince Ryan himself. He let the message out this morning. All the officials, maids, and guards are getting ready."

I found myself sitting. I was getting engaged today?

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