Chapter 36

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Okay, I'm sorry for the extra long chapter last time lol. Even though this one is also pretty long too. And I'm also sorry for barely mentioning that Tammy was eliminated. I just want to get into the second book sooner, so I'm kinda speeding things up. So just a recap- Tammy has been eliminated, and only Amelia and Emily are left. Emily has to be on crutches. & Blair is the French princess who will be coming to the palace to visit Ryan and his family. Alrighty! Enjoy chapter 36! :)

I slept in that morning, but still made it to breakfast in time with Amelia. My maids helped me get ready by putting on some light makeup and a sundress with flowers on it along with a black cardigan.

I had plans later to meet Ryan and then work on a task to plan a tea party with Amelia for when the French royals arrive. Now, however, I decided to skim through my book The Witch of Blackbird Pond and see if there was any details I miss during my first read through it. As I flipped through the pages, a paper fell out.

I picked the paper up and turned it over. It read "The Selected." I came to the realization that it was the magazine I stuffed inside the first few pages after our first appearances on The Report. I had only read my critical review and nothing more. Since I had some time to spare, I decided to read through some of the old reports.

I opened to a page in the magazine with a picture of Jane on it.

"Miss Lady Jane Weller is voted as one of the most prepossessing selected girls currently. But as alluring as she may look, she has a mysterious and peculiar mist to her. She grew up as a caste 2, but you would have never guessed! She barely speaks a word or even gives a facial expression. Her quietness and tranquility may not bring her far, unless, beloved Prince Ryan has it in for more looks than personality. From her short-and-sweet interview on "The Report," we can infer she is just another average selected that may surprise us, but most likely lacks that astounding quality. We wish the best to Lady Jane, but may not see her go far.

-the times critics"

I flipped through a few more pages.

"Miss Lady Amelia Common is a merry delight to see in the selection. Her kind and benevolent atmosphere can make just anyone smile! Although, this animal-loving-public-spirited lass is a delight to us, will she be the same bliss to our beloved Prince Ryan? Her appearance on "The Report" gave us an insight on how just this teen girl makes it through life. Just as everyone else, she enjoys shopping, being with friends, and, of course, animals. (Talk about basic!) Our prediction is that Lady Amelia will stay around a bit longer, but it's up to Prince Ryan who the lucky inamorata is!
Even though Amelia could seem like a pleasurable wife, her capability level of 'queen material' doesn't quite fit our standards. Amelia is only ranked third in the poll because of her lack of noteworthy characteristics. She is a engaging girl, but is not suitable figure for queen/princess.
Nonetheless, we wish the best of luck to Amelia and the rest of the selected.

-the times critics"

I flipped back a page.

"Miss Lady Jessica Ambers is definitely the most relished by America! Her phenomenal looks and endearing personality bring her to stupendous attainments. She is definitely going to go far! Her exploit in the selection is absolutely euphoria to watch. Her beauty and boldness shine out throughout Prince Ryan's selection. We expect nothing less than for the idolized beaut to win Prince Ryan's heart, along with the rest of America. Lady Jessica is a fascist to everyone and is remarkable to everyone she meets. I hope Lady Jessica stole your heart just as much as she did mine! It would be absolute misery to watch her go, but we wish the best of luck to Lady Jessica, and expect to see her go far!
-the times critics

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