Chapter 33

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The next two days in the hospital consisted of frequent visits from Ryan and multiple tests on my leg. From what the nurse was telling me, it was healing just as they expected it would. I had a doctor come in as well and look at it every so often.

However, a few hours after I woke up, Kathleen stopped by and Chelsea came with my camera. I don't know why I love taking pictures with my friends. I guess it makes it feel like I can still see the memories.

We took some serious photos, but that only made them hilarious. We also took some silly ones. Luckily, my camera saved the photos of Amity, Robbie, and Hannah. I printed them out and gave them to Chelsea to put in my new room.

The new room was making me anxious. Ryan had told me that it is much bigger than my old one and that I'm allowed to customize it how I want. Karen stopped by and kept asking questions like: what color do I want the walls to be painted. That only made me more ecstatic.

After Kathleen left, I could only imagine how lonely Amelia was. She stopped by a lot so she could be with me.

Today, however, the nurse was sending back to my room and out of the care center.

"For the next week or so we want you to walk on crutches just to keep the tension and pressure off of the thigh. It will heal after you get used to walking around. We expect to see you back here about every other day so we can examine how it is healing. The rest of your bruises will be a little sore as well. The bruises mainly line your arms and legs so if you want them covered I'd suggest wearing long dresses with long sleeves. After a week is up, all that will be left is a scar that will be easily coverable, even with short dresses," my doctor and nurse explained to me.

I nodded to them, excited just to get up and walking.

They took my leg out of the sling it had been in and let my leg rest on this bed. Instantly, the blood rushed into my leg that wasn't there before since it was tilted upward. I felt it sore and swollen.

I touched my leg and looked at it when I said, "Is it normal to have it get swollen like this?"

"Of course. And that will go away in just a few days. That is one of the reasons why we want you to use crutches."

I nodded again. They helped me swing my leg over the bed and showed me how to properly use crutches before I got up.

And getting up was a struggle.

I placed my weight on my opposite leg, my left one, and grabbed the crutches. It was a weird feeling, considering I hadn't walked in days. The crutches helped a lot. The moment I stood up, I could already feel all the pressure, even when I wasn't resting on that leg. The crutches helped stabilize me.

They helped me out of the room and then let my maids take over from there. Chelsea and Karen were waiting in the hallway, ready to take me to see my new room.

I was still in my hospital gown, and I hadn't bathed in day. My hair was disgusting and my skin looked pale. I hoped no one could see me as I was led down the hallway and into my new room.

The new room was located in the hall opposite from the rooms we were recently staying in. I closed my eyes and let my maids open the door.

"Everything is exactly how you picked it out, Lady Emily!" Karen squealed.

"It should be perfect!" Chelsea said as she unlocked the door.

I opened my eyes and my jaw dropped open.

The walls were a fluorescent pale pink color and the ceiling matched. A ceiling fan spinned around on the ceiling, which would be very useful, especially at night. As soon as you walk into the room, the bathroom is on the left. It was about the same size as my other bathroom, but was much more fancy with the silvery gray walls. Flowers and roses sat in vases around the counter by the mirror.

The rest of my room was much larger. The bed was huge and had a big, clear, white, canopy over it. The sheets we're light pink and white to match the room.

The vanity was enormous. The mirror was extremely large and had several stations to get ready in. Some of my necklaces and bags hung over the edges of it. I cupped my hands over my mouth when I saw a giant cork board all down the wall on the right side of the vanity. It was covered in pictures of my family, my friends, and Chelsea and Karen.

"Oh, thank you so much! Its beautiful! More than I could ever imagine!" I said as I throw my maids into a group hug.

"Of course, Lady Emily," they smiled.

"I hope you didn't mind that we borrowed your camera to take pictures with," Karen laughed.

I turned back to the cork board. The pictures of Chelsea and Karen were extremely goofy and sweet.

"I love it," I laughed back.

I continued to look around the room. There was a lounging area, and it was big too. The only thing I had in my old room was a small couch, but in here, there were two comfy chairs, a love seat, and a little table set up with my book and a flower in a vase sitting on it currently.

The closet was about the same size as my old one, expect the inside was painted the same gorgeous pink.

"It's wonderful," I sighed.

"We're glad you like it, Lady Emily."

I rested my crutches against the wall and laid down on my giant comfy bed. The canopy was gorgeous, especially from the inside.

"Lady Emily, we are here for whenever you need us," Chelsea looked at me through the canopy.

"Thank you so much."

I unfolded the blankets and crawled in. They brought over the soft green blanket Ryan gave me from my old room.

I propped my leg up on some pillows and ended up falling asleep in the hospital gown before I could say anything more to my maids.

GUYYYS!! We are inching closer to the end of book 1! 😏
We are down to the last 3 girls and in a few more chapters, Ryan will think about going down to the last two!
A LOT of action is going to happen by the time this book ends so be prepared! I'm taking so many notes and working so hard on this story and I thank you guys so much for being so dedicated to reading it! It means a lot!
If you guys didn't know already, I am making this story into 2 books. The 3rd book will be about her life before the selection, so the last one will have nothing to do with Ryan and stuff.
Okay, guys. I just wanted to let you guys know that! Thank you so much!
Xoxo ❤️

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