Chapter 13

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(curse warning)

Sanemi’s POV
I walked over to him and put my hand on my hip. I raised an eyebrow (if he has any??) and brought up him looking at me in the mirror.His face flushed, and I think that he is gay. Or at least bisexual, I never wanted to guess though because he is a prince. I took a step closer to him and he gulped.
I smirked and leaned closer. He batted his eyes a little bit and seemed surprised. He leaned in a little bit and we were mere centimeters apart. Then there was a knock at the door and I instantly backed up a lot. I was practically on the other side of the room when the door opened. It was a maid to get Giyuu, apparently he had something to do. So he left the room and I just stood there, my mind flooded from that short moment.
I almost kissed him, the fucking prince! Who I was going to kill about two to three weeks ago.
Fuck, life is too crazy. I left the room and left the palace, I had no other business to attend to there. Once I got home, I made some lunch, just canned food again. The rest of the night went by slowly. I ended up passing out on the floor in my living room, I woke up feeling sore and tired. I checked the time and realized that I should head over to the palace. I am curious if they were able to make my ball clothes in time. They literally had one day to do all that, it seems impossible. I got to the palace and was rushed into a room full of maids.
They forced me to take a long bath. After the bath they did my hair, which I hated. Then there was a black suit, white ruffled shirt and dress pants. This already looked annoying to wear. Then they brought in the black dress shoes.
After I was fully dressed and looking ‘proper’ I looked in the mirror.
I did not recognise myself at all. After everyone inspected me, they decided that I looked good enough. This all took hours to do, which I still don’t understand how. I then waited for the royal ball. Shit! I forgot the fucking poison at home!!! Well how am I supposed to kill the king now? Guess I will have to do that another time, unless he just dies somehow at the party.
I sighed and stood up. I heard people outside the room I was waiting in and so I walked out. People were arriving and going to the ballroom, so I followed. It was a huge room, it was warm and lively, filled with people. Everyone looked so fancy, with their best attire probably. After a while I almost bumped into multiple people, I was so fucking uncomfortable.
I got pushed a lot and mixed into the sea of upper class and or royalty. Then a woman spilled her drink on my shoes, dumb bitch. She wasn’t paying attention to her surroundings or her drink. She was looking up at the ballroom balcony. I looked up at the balcony and there was the king and prince Giyuu. He was wearing a dark blue tailcoat, black dress pants, and a white ruffled shirt.
Damn, did he look sexy as fuck. I’ve only seen him in his royal pajamas and a few normal clothes, so seeing him in that… Yeah my mind isn’t very holy. After some fake ‘thank you all for attending’ bullcrap, the ball continued. I was feeling very out of place, I’d rather be at home than here, even though my house sucks. After about an hour or so I made my way through half of the crowd.
Then I saw this woman, she looked a lot like Giyuu, she had a crown on so I knew she was a queen. I bowed and she nodded, then as I was bowing I kissed her hand. I hated this formal shit but whatever. She smiled and I stopped bowing. We talked a bit, she seemed very nice. I offered to get her a drink and she seemed to like that idea. So I left and got her some wine. Once I came back she was talking to someone. I tapped on their shoulder and they turned around.

"Hello! I am Rengoku Kyojuro! And this nice lady is Tsutako. She is prince Giyuu's sister."

I thought they looked similar. I introduced myself as Dr. Kaze. Only Giyuu knew my real name. I was about to hand her the drink but she already had one. Kyojuro must have already gave her one. I just sighed and held it. Then we chatted for a bit, but I felt a tap on my shoulder. Tsutako and Kyojuro smiled. I was a little confused and turned around. It was Giyuu, he looked even better up close. My face was now red, but I pushed it down.
He gave his sister a hug and Kyojuro started talking to him. Things were okay, pretty boring though. Giyuu looked fucking amazing and my bisexual ass couldn't stop taking a look often. I looked at Tsutako and she smiled and winked. Fuck she is onto me, she can read me like a magazine. She knows I like her brother. I don't even want to like him but it's not like I can turn off my emotions.

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