Two- Being dropped

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Once you got to Kc's house you turnoff the lights and your truck as everyone else pulled up.You walked up to the door and knocked.

You: KC you there

You heard a muffled scream. You then heard a man talking you assumed it was Tyrel. You held up a fist telling everyone to stay put.

You: Tyrel it's Parker

Tyrel: How do I know it's really you

You: In 9th grade your parents abused you and I was the one in the house the night your dad killed your mom and then came after you I stepped in front of you taking a few punches earning a broken nose and a busted lip is that enough proof that it's me

Tyrel: I guess

He slowly opened the door before sitting the gun down and hugging you, you hugged him back. You saw Kc tied to a chair with a rag stuffed in her mouth.You looked back at everyone before you notice Erin and Adam where gone. You saw them walk up behind Tyrel. Jay had his gun aimed at Tyrel and Erin was untying Kc. Tyrel started crying.

Tyrel: Parker I messed up and I mean I messed up bad but  I mean you already know that other wise you wouldn't be here * grabbing his gun*

He backed away from you.

Tyrel: I'm so sorry Parker and remember I love you and you are a strong, courageous, loving , kind person

He then committed su1c1d3 . His lifeless body fell to the ground. You dropped to your knees crying. You screamed knowing that you just lost a life long friend. You shortly got a text from Calvin saying" Remember Jackson the other gang rival's leader yeah he's the one that attacked me not Jank or Tyrel". You were soon confused on what Tyrel was talking about you then realized that he had done the same thing to his kids that had happened to him and you and he felt bad for letting you take those punches in high-school and that he k!lled Jank. You quickly stood up and called an ambulance before getting in your truck and starting it. You rolled down your window and your dad along with Jay ran up to you.

Dad: what's going on Parker

You: Tyrel didn't attack Calvin neither did Jank but Tyrel did shoot Jank now I'm going to take care of Jackson Micks

Jay: I'm coming with you *running to the passenger side of your truck*

He got in. You both looked at your dad.

You: We'll be fine

Dad: that's the problem I know you'll be fine

You and Jay nodded at him then drove off.

*Skip drive*

You pulled up to the house that Calvin had tipped you that Jackson was supposedly staying. You and Jay walked up to the door. Jay knocked.

Jay: Chicago Pd open up *yelling*

Nothing happened so you counted down from three then kicked down the door.You and Jay searched the house to see someone run out of the house. You nodded to Jay then took off running after the person. they stopped and pulled out a gun. 

You: Put the gun down... put... the.. gun.. down*yelling* 

They ignored you.

You: Put the gun down I won't hesitate to shoot you put it down

They aimed the gun at you and before they could shoot you Jay came running out tackling him to the ground. Jay stood up then yanked the person up off the ground.

Jay: Get up

You put handcuffs on the person. You turned them around to see Jackson. You sighed before punching him in the face.

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