Twenty~The Real Talk

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*Next Morning*

You woke up to Will unplugging you from everything.After you were unplugged you looked over to see Antonio with a bag and Jay still asleep. You slid your hand out of his and you got up and took the bag and walked into the bathroom.You closed the door and changed into this\/

You closed the door and changed into this\/

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You walked out and hugged Antonio. You looked over to where Jay was and saw he wasn't there you looked at Antonio.

Antonio: Hallway

You: Ok

You walked out to see Jay and Will talking. Will looked at you before nodding and walking off. Jay turned around and looked at you.

Jay: Hey

You: Hi

Jay: What do you say we go back to your place grab me some different clothes and we go out

You: Yeah I say lets go

You guys walked back into the room and grabbed your stuff before telling Antonio goodbye and leaving.

*Skip Drive*

You guys pulled into your apartment garage and went inside so that Jay could change. After he changed you guys left for the park.

*Skip drive*

You guys parked and got out.

Jay: So you and Antonio huh

You: You and Upton huh

You guys laughed.

Jay: No but for real all seriousness are you guys...

You: *interrupting him*Together no we are just close

Jay: Ok

You guys walked around and talked and had a good time before leaving to get pizza.

*Skip drive*

You guys got pizza then went back to your apartment.

*Skip drive*

You guys parked and went inside. You guys ate pizza and had a few beers. You guys talked a lot and had fun.


A/n:I'll give you guys a back story on Parker's friendship with Antonio and her relationship with everyone else. Those will be the next few chapters

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