Sixteen~ Secrets

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You and the team are working a case about a recent kidnapping when Antonio tapes a picture of a guys to the board.

Antonio:Luis Vega was seen fleeing the area with a friend of his then he jumped into a green SUV

Hailey: He was in the army he was an army ranger he recently returned a few years ago

Dad: We need to figure out if he's working for someone or if he did it on his own

You: I'll do it I still have my uniform I'll walk in like I just got out of duty and then I'll try and figure something out

Adam: That's too risky Parker

Jay: I'll go with her I'll walk in after her and act like we met a few years back before I left then we'll get someone to attack her then I'll try to defend her till we get put in a choke hold  hopefully he'll help

Dad: Fine we'll figure out where they he works or whatever then we'll make move on it


You ran home earlier so you could get your uniform and put it in your locker. When you got back and walk into the bullpen everyone looks at you while your dad stands by the board.

Dad: Alright so Luis' sister own's a bar  called "The Vegas" so let's suit up and go

You ran into the locker room and changed into your uniform.\/

You grabbed your truck keys and you all left

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You grabbed your truck keys and you all left. When you arrived Kevin and Jay walk in with Hailey and Erin. You shortly walk in after. You took a seat at the bar. Camilla walks up to you but you don't know it's her.You sat there looking at the floor.

?: Hello soldier

You look up real fast.

You: Oh hi

? Can I get you anything

You: Just a tequila please

She went and got her drink and before she brought it over she walked over to Luis and pointed at you then she brought you your drink.

You: Thanks...

?: Camilla

You: Anastasia

Camilla: So what brings you to the vegas

You: Drove by thought it looked like a nice bar had to stop and see for myself

Just then Jay walks up.

Jay: Hey Anastasia is that you

You spun around and hugged him.

Camilla:This your man

You: No we were friends at base till he left

Camilla: Oh ok *winks at Jay*

Jay: The names Ryan

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