Twenty-Eight~The truth

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You are standing at Camilla's front door with Jay getting ready to knock when Jay does it for. It took a few moments but she soon answered.

Camilla: Ryan hey*crying*

You and Jay walked in and he hugged her you went and walked out her back door and saw chairs that you, Jay, and Luis all sat in just two days ago.You heard someone walk out behind you.

Camilla: He really liked you do you know that

You: No I didn't know that

Camilla: Yeah the day you suggested that I put a karaoke machine or stage in the bar he was on  google for the rest of the day showing me ideas and begging me to put one of them in so he could watch you preform

Jay then walked out with out telling you or Camilla.


Camilla: Yeah and he even helped me build it five days ago and he was going to surprise you with it for your birthday

You: Thats so sweet its a shame he had to go

Camilla: Were you with him

You turned towards her and scratched the back of your neck.

Camilla: Were you there when he died Anastasia

You: Yes we were on a business thing and I convinced him to be a hero and save the little boy while I cleared out the place as soon as we entered the warehouse shots where fired he got hit and I ran over and held him till he passed I'm sorry Camilla

Camilla: I knew letting him introduce you to Ricky was a bad idea

You: You knew or know Ricky

Camilla: Yeah I used to work for him to0

You:Oh well Camilla do you want to get pizza 


You: Ok Ryan stay here with her while I go get the pizza

Once you were in Jay's truck and driving you called Antonio.He answered after a few rings.

Antonio: Hey

You: Hey am I on speaker

Antonio: No

You: Will you put me on speaker

Antonio: Alright there you go

You: Guys Camilla knew about Ricky she also used to work with him and I wonder if since she knew about Ricky then I assume she knew about the kidnapping

Dad: We never know that's why I need you and Jay to keep an eye on her

You: Dad I'm pretty sure she knew about it though

Antonio: Ok but we need you to keep this under control until you find out if she knew then we'll arrest her tomorrow if that's the case now goodbye.

Antonio hung up as you pulled into the pizza place. You got the pizza then left.

*Skip drive*

You walked into see Jay and Camilla cuddled up on the couch with beers and watching a black hawks game.(By the way you and Jay are still broken up he's j trying to repair things between you guys)You smiled at them then sat the pizza down on the coffee table. You grabbed plates. You made your self a plate and took a pack of beers out on to the front porch. You ate the pizza and drank a few beers. You sat there and remembered the night that you and Luis first met. 


You and Kayla are arguing when you walk out crying and Luis walks up and hugs you.You and Kayla started fighting then you and Luis left for his house and sat on the stairs of the front porch talking till Camilla came home.

*End of flashback*

You walked back inside to see Jay and Camilla not on the couch. You walked past her room to see them laying in bed Camilla asleep on Jay's chest and Jay laying there on his phone.You smiled then went to bed.

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