Nine- Falling Hard

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You: Jay hey

Jay: Hey JV

You: Here come in*stepping aside so he can come in*

He walked in and you closed the door then walked over to the kitchen grabbing to cups and walking back over to Jay. You handed him a cup then pulled him into the living room with you.You guys sat down on the couch.

Jay:Listen J I'm sorry for earlier 

You: I should have told you about it Jay I am so sorry

Jay: J I shouldn't have yelled at you about it you were only protecting me and it was originally Hailey's place to tell me

You: Ok

You poured both of you a cup. You guys sat there talked and got drunk.


You and Jay where both drunk when he leans in and softly kisses your lips. He pulled away, you looked at him before leaning in and kissing him passionately. The kiss intensified as Jay laid down pulling you down with him not breaking the kiss. (You guys can imagine what happens next).

*Next Morning*

You woke up wrapped in a blanket laying on top of Jay in bed. You looked at him and smiled at how peaceful he looked.He soon slowly opened his eyes and smiled at you.He kissed your forehead.

Jay: So what's for breakfast I'm calling in sick and so are you

You: Fine 

You both got up and got dressed.You put this on(shorts)\/

You walked out to the kitchen where Jay was standing at the oven

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You walked out to the kitchen where Jay was standing at the oven.You hugged him from behind.He turned around and looked at you.

You:This I can get used to Halstead

Jay: I could get used to this too

You guys laughed and stood there for a while

Jay: So I broke up with Hailey last night after I left the station don't even think that Park cause you're not


* a few moment later*

You and Jay ate and called in sick.

Jay:Lets go


Jay: Out we can go shopping go to a bar go see Justin

You:Lets go see Justin

You guys left for Justin's house.

*skip drive*

You guys got there.You noticed his door was wide open. You grabbed Jay's spare gun from the glove compartment and before he could park you jumped out of the truck gun in hand running up to the house.(Justin's daughter's name is Penelope his girlfriend's name Olivia.)You walked inside to see Olivia unconscious on the couch and Penelope in her play pin crying. You called 911 and picked up Penelope and bounced her on your hip as Jay walked in. He ran over to you and hugged you.

Jay:Hey are you ok

You:Yeah I'm fine I need to go pack for Penelope


You looked on the coffee table there sat a piece of paper you picked it up and read it. It said "Dear Olivia,

I'm going back into the army for a while I left after you and Penelope fell asleep. They recruited me so I'm not just up and leaving you for the field without a reason. I love you and Penelope please take care of her I'll see you when I get back"

You walked into Penelope's room and grabbed a diaper bag.You shoved diapers,clothes,baby wipes,headband,and bottle mix into it.You picked up the bag and walked into the kitchen grabbing a few bottles.You walked back into the living rooms as EMT pulls up.They came in and took Olivia away on a stretcher. You took the car seat from the living room and put it in Jay's truck.You put Penelope and her bag in before you and Jay got in.You guys left for your apartment.

*skip drive*

You guys got Penelope out and went inside.You sat her down on the floor you sat beside her.Jay walked in with her bag.

You: Can you watch her Jay I'm gonna run down and get her some toys

Jay:Yeah of course here*throwing you his keys*

You: Thanks

You kissed his cheek before leaving for the store.

*skip drive*

Skip shopping*

You bought her teething toys and all sorts of stuff you left for your apartment.

*skip drive*

You grabbed the grocery bags, shut his truck off. you got out, locked it, and went inside.You sat down beside them. You opened a few toys and gave them to her.

Jay:You're so cute JV

You: So are you Halstead


Jay went and got Penelope a cradle and when he got back he set it up then you guys laid her down. She fell asleep then you and Jay went to bed.

*Next Morning*

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