9~ strength workouts.

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1. Dumbbell chest press Lie on a bench, elbows bent 90 degrees out to sides; straighten arms up and return.

2. . One-arm dumbbell row (works upper back)Stand with legs hip-width apart andplace one hand on bench, opposite arm holding weight; draw elbow up toward ribs and lower.

3. Biceps curl (works biceps)Stand with arms extended, palms up, and curl weights toward shoulders.

4. Triceps extension (works triceps)Stand with legs hip-width apart. Lean forward from waist, elbows bent 90 degrees at your sides; straighten arms behind you.

5. Lateral raise (works shoulders)Stand with arms down by your sides, palms in; raise straight arms to shoulder height.

6. Bicycle (works abs)Lie face-up on floor, bend opposite elbow to knee, then switch sides.

9. Superman (works lower back)Lie facedown on floor and lift opposite arm/leg; switch sides.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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