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"Yímā, do you know who Xiao-Shūshu's love interest?" Shizui asked "he'll announce when he wants to, but i don't think he'll be confessing soon enough" She smiled at them

"Hello, this disciple is Xi Lingmi" Xinyi's girlfriend introduced "Your pretty!" Wei Wuxian looked at his sister "you have my blessings Da-jie" He bowed and smiled at them

Xinyi smiled back and kissed her Didi's forehead "Take care of the Juniors Didi, Huaisang" She said and they went away

"Hm.. your sister is so kind, I'll ask her to teach me fan cultivation"

Wei Wuxian hit Huaisang's head.

"Learn it yourself oldie"


(He's older in this au, because why not?)

"Let's go! We still have 9 days here, I don't know what they're doing but.. okay" Wei Wuxian then pulled them and they ran to go shopping

"They sure do have a close bond now" Jin Guangyao spoke "Gege!" Someone yelled "Xuanyu? What are you doing here?" Lan Xichen asked "Oh, I just got bored on staying in a meeting" He reasoned

"What happened?" Jin Guangyao asked "Hum, the madams we're talking, talking for wedding and things? And then The new madam and madam Yu are fighting" He said and ran

"Let's go" Xichen said and helped Wangji up


"Mother" Yanli said calming her mom down "Tsk." Cangse said "Just because my son was better than yours Zizyuan?! Was it even his fault that YOU AND YOUR SON HAVE FUCKING AVERAGE CORES? You punished him because of that?!" Cangse yelled "WHY?! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST ACCEPT IT?! JUST FUCKING ACCEPT THAT MY FAMILY IS BETTER THAN YOURS FOR HEAVENS SAKE" She yelled. People can see in her eyes we're tints of red

"Cangse! Calm down, you don't want another war in Ruohan's area do you?" Lan Xiao yelled and calmed down her friend "Hmph!" Yu Zizyuan said and stormed away "Auntie I'm sorry about mother.. I don't know what turned her like that" Yanli looked down "It's okay Yanli, I'm glad you didn't grow up to be like your mother" Cangse smiled at her

'She was never my mother in the first place'

"You're alive?" Qiren asked "Yes and I'm going to cut that stupid beard of you. Once again!" She threatened "Oi give him a break, he loves his 'precious' hair" Lan Xiao said dramatically "You-"

"Mother" Wangji and Xichen bowed, the two parents smirked "Wangji, you've grown so much since i last sneaked in your mother's den" Cangse spoke, Wangji was confused, Who was she?, How does she know me?, Sneak in?. These questions were echoing in his mind

"Where are your children anyways?" Lan Xiao asked "I don't know, two are in a date, two is beside me, two are together, buying with the Juniors and one is training disciples"

"And who are these two beside you?" Lan Xiao asked

"This one is Wei Yunxi Courtesy Wei Huang, the third son"

"This one is Wei Mingxi Courtesy Wei Lan, the fourth son"

Wangji and everyone present chocked on air. WEI WUXIAN HAS SIBLINGS?

"I'm sorry, but may I ask..are you related to the Yiling patriarch?" A Jin Disciple asked "Yiling who?" Yunxi asked "The Yiling patriarch, Wei Ying" The disciple informed, receiving a glare from Wangji, Mianmian, Yanli, Wen Qing and Wen Xu

"Oh, no we're not" Cangse spoke 'Mom just disowned Ying'er AHAHAHA' Mingxi and Yunxi thought "That's a relief." The disciple said in relief

"Anyways. Spar?" Cangse asked Lan Xiao "Hm, sure"


Wangji and Xichen stayed with Lan Xiao finding themselves on the training grounds watching Wei Jinxi, Wei Xue and The youngest Wei Annoying their Da-ge

"At least I wasn't forgotten by mother"


"Da-ge They're mom's favorite, what do you mean forgotten" Yunxi asked "Father I mean"

"Yunxi-ge do you want drinks?" Fenli asked and handed him bottles of wine "Don't drink too much Lili" He said and sat down with them

"Ying'er your husband" , Mingxi

"Im straighter than a ruler" , Wuxian

"Ruler can be bended now.", Mingxi

"Then wow."

Wei Wuxian walked out. "HES AT LOVE TANTRUMS AGAIN!" Fenli yelled

"Seems like young master Wei is in love" Xichen chuckled "He's just too in denial of his feelings"

"But what if they're lying that they're not Wei Wuxian's Family. They might kill us all!" Mingjue whisper yelled "Oh please, use your brain for once sir! If they even planned to kill you, then you and your clan would be wiped out!" Mo Xuanyu said "A-Xuan, let his last braincell rest, it's too much for him to handle" Xichen said softly

"YOU!-"  Huaisang yelled "Thanks for the ice cream sir!" Wei Wuxian said and went away "AFTER YOU USED ME AS A PUNCHING BAG FOR YOUR CHILDISH TANTRUMS?! You're just as dumb as Da-ge, being in denial for his feelings!" Huaisang shouted "EXCUSE YOU?!" Mingjue yelled "Oh, h-hi d-da-ge" Huaisang stuttered

"Feelings for who?"

"I don't have feelings for anyone"

"I DoNt HaVE FeEeLiNGS FoR aNyOne boo-hoo" Nie Huaisang mocked and ran away

"That child!"

"So who is it sect leader Nie?" Mo xuanyu asked

"Nobody means nobody" He said and left


As the usual morning they have.

Huaisang has been chasing the seventh young master everyday, for different reason.

They stopped for a bit, and Wei Wuxian asked

"What if I can get pregnant?"

"Would be cool."

"You can have the manual back. I've made a copy"


"Young Master Wei, Young Master Nie, it's time for breakfast" Wen Ning informed "Uncle will announce something today, I heard"

They both stood up and went to the dining area.

It was like a cafeteria of a school, with long table and chairs.

"Everyone, I have an announcement to make" Wen Ruohan sighed "It Appears that the Empress of demon empires, have been planning to attack your sects, and destroying our second dimension. She wants everyone to respect her and bow to her

So please at any cost, be careful of letting a female cultivator in"

"Wow she's much greedier than Sect leader Wen" Huaisang said "I heard that she's powerful enough to destroy the Dragon kingdom, then why?" Huaisang asked

"A power hungry empress... She's getting revenge!" Huaisang yelled


"Oh~ looks like they found out" She laughed "Your clan's are going down! AND YOU WILL RESPECT ME" She crazily laughed "You mortals Will pay for TAKING MY HUSBAND"

"Lan Wangji~, Lan Wangji~, You're engaged to me darling~ yet you fell in love with a USELESS MORTAL?!"

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