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"That's Nan feng" The man in white explained while pointing to the man sitting on the horse "And this is Fu yao"

(Fu yao is the brown haired one right??)

"What about you mister?" Wen Ning asked with politeness "A corpse?!"

"My name is Xie Lian" The man smiled "And this is San lang" he pointed to the red guy "I like his style!" Wei Wuxian replied, Xie Lian just chuckled "He's mostly wearing red, what do you like in THAT?!" Fu Yao asked "Uh-"

"He had wore black for his entire life, what do you expect from a lunatic?" Xiao spoke, Wei Wuxian hanged his mouth open. Offended. "Bitch-"

Xie Lian stared at them awkwardly "Please don't fight?" He asked "Forgive me for my impoliteness" Xiao bowed his head "This one is Wei Xiao" He introduced "It's a pleasure to meet you" Xie Lian replied "Hm...gege, we're here, would you like them to stay with us?" The...San Lang guy asked "If it's fine for you and them" Xie Lian looked at all of them

"It's fine, we could just book an inn" Huaisang said "There's no inn on Puqi village, it's just a very small village hidden away" Nan feng replied to Huaisang "I guess we have no choice??" Wen Qing said

They reached the shrine and their jaw dropped, The shrine was very big and looked so luxurious, Like mansion (Made out of wood, at least it's luxurious) They went inside and their jaw dropped even more "Yeaaaaaaahh- Hide this from the Cultivation world, alright?" Huaisang said


"Gege will make food for every one!" San Lang said in happiness "Don't dare leave. I'll be with him." He glared at the two planning a leave

"U..uh..uhh...." The two had no choice but to followed the other six and can't help but gulp nervously

An hour or so later

"Forgive me that it took too long" The two went out from the kitchen "May I know what ingredients were needed in this tea?" Xiao asked, Fu Yao gave him a piece of paper.


"Your food is delicious!" Wei Wuxian complimented "It's too spicy!!" Nan feng and Fu yao complained "Spicy?" Wen Qing and Wen Ning asked "It doesn't taste like anything" Wen Qing said in a confused manner "I think it's because, you just came back from the dead" Huaisang replied while fanning his mouth "It's a bit spicy but it's delicious!" He complimented Xie Lian

"Thank you" Xie Lian replied "See? You two are just overacting" San Lang stared at the two, who was drinking water "Shut up" The two said at once

San Lang just shrugged

"ALSO, what do you mean by 'coming back from the dead'?" Fu Yao asked "It's exactly what it sounds" Wei Wuxian replied "What do you mean?" Nan feng asked "It's EXACTLY what it sounds, are you deaf?" San Lang repeated 'Damn I never him to revive people-'

"Don't fight here...!"

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN BY 'THEY ALREADY MET'??? He did it too early? Isn't he supposed to- UGHHH!!! HUA CHENG, I SWEAR, YOU'LL BE THE DEATH OF ME" The Gōngzhǔ yelled in her room "I'll leave now madam" The servant jumped out


"WHAT?! That damn Hua Cheng is back?! Didn't I throw him in the abyss and pushed him in that damn building?! HE'S GOING TL RUIN MG PLAN!!" The instant panic went up to Ren Lifei's Veins, as she started to throw the cups

"Empress! Hua Cheng is back!"

"I KNOW!" She yelled frustrated, but then a sudden realization went up her spines "Where are they?" She asked "Puqi village"

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