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Hi :D

They decided to separate in 5 groups each, excluding, Nie Mingjue, Lan Xichen, Other Wei Siblings, disciples, Jiang Wanyin and Jin Ling

Lan Wangji took 8 disciples with him, including Jingyi and Shizui

"Huaisang, how do you think a husband and wife stays together?" -Wei Wuxian said out of the blue

"They get married?" Huaisang answered "No, like- forever?" Wei Wuxian asked "Hm, they go in a process called 'marking'. It's mostly done during sex, once a male is marked by a female they would be forced to stay with the female, whether they like it or not, The other can have as many males as they want" Huaisang explained "Oh-"

These two were left together to investigate, along with Wen Ning, Wen Qing, Wei Xiao

"We have a mission! Go, go" Wen Qing said "Okay" Huaisang answered


"Master Wei! Have you heard of the Roaming Demon Lady?" A Man about 46 years old came up to them "No, not yet why?" Wei Wuxian said and they followed the man inside

The man turned on the lights and sat down "It's said that she's wondering around sucking people until what's left it bones! And, and she uses the body of the person she just killed and disguise as that person! It's also said that she chops of her servants or any Allies body parts into pieces, if they betrayed her!!" The Man informed "Chopped off body-..." With a loud gasp Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang said "She's the one who killed LING YU!"

"But Ling Yu isn't her servant, what could be the reason that made her kill him..?" Wei Wuxian asked "A-Yu is dead?!" The man said in shock "Apparently, yes" Wei Wuxian answered

It was also very obvious what the suspects name was "Yeah, what possibly happened that made that woman kill such a kind young kid" The Man said "We'll try and find the root of this, I'll see you later, Xing-gege" Wei Wuxian said, bowed and left the others did the same

"What could have made her kill him............" Wei Wuxian asked "They may have been friends or!!"

"Ling Yu Accidentally found a secret of hers OR A PLAN AND SHE SAW HIM!" Wei Wuxian said "But what kind of secret is she hiding? She's a shameless girl as far as I know..." Wen Qing slipped out

"Well, that's true"



"Do you know something about her? Or a book about her in your library?" Wei Wuxian asked "I don't know? I haven't read anything...WAIT..YES! I HAVE! I have one in my room mentioning her name, 58 times, and there's many more about demons in our library! It's also where I got the information I told about her that time" Huaisang explained

"Why the heck did you even count how many times the name was mentioned?" Wen Qing asked "Random purposes" Huaisang answered "I guess reading can really have some good information" Wen Ning said

"Let's stop by a restaurant, I'm hungry-" Huaisang broke the silence "ok" Wen Qīng answered



"You're in love with Lifei?"


"I'm kidding, come here, let's wait for the Juniors"

Wangji went and sat on the stool beside Xichen and sat there in a very quiet h..hor-..I..I mean silence..j..just silence


"Hanguang-jun!" Shizui yelled " What happened a-yuan?" Xichen asked "We found a about 40 year old male and said that there has been a demon called Shapeshifting lady or demon lady going around, sucking people until only bones are left" Shizui reported

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