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WY: I just noticed that, senior Fu Yao's writing is amazing

Wei Wuxian praised as he saw that Fu Yao was the one who wrote the names on the board.

WX: Again i can't believe that someone i think older than me can write like that.
WY: It's a bit readable, really.
WX: I ALSO Can't believe that his hand writing is worst than yours
WY: HEY!!!

Xie Lian didn't know whether to laugh or cry

HC: ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀) Gege....

NF: What's next again?
FY: Draw anything you want. The next will be arts, and after that painting. For this just think of anything you want to make a mistake, and do a mistake.

Hua Cheng rolled his eyes

HC: as if you're good at anything
FY: at least he praised me
HC: it's either you shut up or I cut your thing off
FY: cut it off then. As if you could.

The silence and a strong aura took over after Fu Yao said that, Xie Lian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It was until Wei Wuxian decided to break the silence

WY: The silence is very silent...
WX: What are you even saying?

NF: Fu Yao, stop glaring at him! or I'll expect your body in the court tomorrow.

Fu Yao immediately broke the glare, the reason? Either he doesn't want to end up dead or.. he's just obedient.. yeah obedient?

WQ: Can the art be a statue, origami, or poster?
NF: Yes.
WQ: hm.
WN: Jiejie, what are you going to make?

Wen Qing didn't answer, instead she took a fabric out of a pouch and took several needles out. She then placed the cloth above and impaled it with needles. She then took out a yarn and inserted it inside one of the sewing needle. She looked at everyone and asked.

WQ: so when are we going to start?
XL: Now? I guess??
NF: yes.. you can start

Hua Cheng took out a big ass rock and placed it down. While Wen Ning took out the same materials Wen Qing had

XL: San Lang where'd you get that (●__●)
HC: Outside.....?
WX: where? There was no big rock outside
XL: yeah... There were none...

Wei Wuxian randomly took out a piece of wood from his pouch along with some tools. Wei Xiao took out papers and a sharp short knife. The Wei Siblings and Wen siblings started to mind their own business and make things.


“So they still haven't returned?” Xichen asked “Yes..and, and Ren Lifei is heading to Gusu. She's planning to join you people” Changze answered

“Uncle Ren? Where'd you place my disciple?” Jiu asked “Shen qingqiu nephew. That so called 'kind disciple of yours' bit this old bearded man” Lan Xiao replied


“Making loud noises is prohibited in cloud recesses!” Lan Qiren reminded “Do I look like I care?” Luo Binghe answered “You disrespectful kid. Did my nephew not tech you well?!”

“if I remember, my nephew is a kind child! And his disciple is like this?!”

“Just shut up! No body wants to listen to you!!” He yelled at him. Black energy circling him, Lan Qiren took out his Guqin and played an irritating music. Luo Binghe launched at him and bit his hand.

“You bitch of a disciple!” Qiren slightly yelled and transferred all of his strength on his other hand. He hit Luo Binghe and pulled him to Shen Qingqiu's room. When he reached he threw him to the river beside, making sure he didn't drown, he left.

End of flashback

“He..threw him in the river behind your room.. I'm sure he has reached Caiyi town by now..” Lan Xichen informed “...Thank you uncle.” Shen Qingqiu spoke “He was getting out of control...” He added

“Isn't he your lover?” Lan Xiao asked “.. husband” Shen Qingqiu answered “A dog? Seriously? Your standard is so frickin low” Another spoke “Shut up.” Shen Qingqiu demanded.

“Cousin Shen you should really break up with him... The ghosts in ghost city are more attractive than him.” Shen Qingqiu's cousin, Shen Mingxue, suggested.

“They eat eye balls, no thanks.” Shen Qingqiu denied “Wahh!! I do agree, I should complain about this to cousin Hua!” Mingxue cried

“Speaking about him.. auntie Lan have you seen him?” He asked “Yeah Mother, Huahua didn't even visit us” Lan Xichen joined in “I heard from the ghosts he got married..” Mingxue spoke

“HE WHAT?!” Shen Qingqiu, Lan Qiren, Lan Xichen, and Lan Xiao shouted “And he didn't even invite us?” Lan Xiao cried “What kind of son is he!” she continued

“He's your son?” Lan Qiren asked “I treated him like a SON!” Lan Xiao yelled “WHEN?!” Lan Qiren yelled back “I dunno like 800 years ago... Before he got lost?” Lan Xiao explained “And got hurt?” She cried

“Cousin Hua, is so mean! Running away from aunt Lan” Mingxue spoke. Hua Cheng didn't actually run away... He just got lost in the forests... (๑•﹏•) And never came back.

HC: CHOO! Who's talking about me?!
XL: San Lang.. are you cold?
HC: I'm fine gege! ^_________^

“You look a lot like That cold demon..” Binghe broke the silence “Do you have money or food?” He Xuan asked “Yeah... I have both? Wanna buy sum?” Binghe asked “Sure...” He Xuan answered and untied him.

Both demon and ghost went on their way to  Cang Qiong mountain sect to ask Yue Qingyuan for food. Yue Qingyuan ordered some chefs to make food for the both. Liu Mingyan saw this and thought that Luo Binghe was cheating on Shen Qingqiu.

After she found out he wasn't cheating she was at ease and then continued to write an angst fiction, crying with every word “Oh, poor you... How could you do this to him! You traitor!!” She cried out.

Sha Hualing stared at her with worry “Brother in law.. what is wrong with ah Ming?” She asked Liu Qingge “... She's writing another Bingqiu fan fiction, don't mind her” He answered

Liu Qingge and Sha Hualing stared at Liu Mingyan with a face and thought ‘why is my sister/fiance like this ಠ﹏ಠ?’


Mini Theater

Sqq: so for today's bedyow we will teach you how to throw a demon or ghost in the river. First you have to tie him with a god binding rope-...

Lbh: Shizun.. don't do this to ME!!!
Hxn: This is He Xuan speaking.... Please help.. I've been tied up in a rope I cannot break... And I'm hungry....
LQR: You found another demonic Cultivator???

Sqq: Then we..-

WY: Aii.. never belib in laab~

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