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"Desurb" Huaisang said

Wei Wuxian threw Ven at him, Ven floated and didn't hit Huaisang thanks to a flower below him

"What the?" Huaisang asked "What in the world is this?" He asked again

"Let's dig it up.. people might step on it and crush it, mother said it's a rare flower" Xiao informed them "Yeah!" Yunxi and Mingxi said at once

"Li han get the shovel" Xiao commanded, Han went back with a shovel in her hands and started to dig "Master.. there's a hard part, seems like rock" She said and continued on the other side

"One down, 9 more to go.." Xiao said and replanted the flower on a safer place "A-Xiao why are you tiring your self? Let me do it?" Xinhe asked "Go back to your wives, we're fine" He said and got back on planting the other two flowers, Xinhe's eyes darkened but went to normal as he watched Xiao


"What the fuck..."

"What happened?" Xiao asked as he look at where Li Han was looking, THERE WAS A BODY!! "Who could it be?..." Yunxi spoke

"Resentment?" Wei Wuxian asked "What? But..I don't use resentful energy much?" He said but digged more "Oh..a finger? a hand, a hand?..A hand!" He yelled

Wangji immediately ran to him "Wei Ying? What happened?" He asked "I uhm found a hand.."

Wuxian digged out the hand and examined it
"Lan Zhan, how long do you think they have been dead for?" He asked

Wangji examined the hand, looking at it the blood had been drained out from the body before getting it cut into pieces "11 hours, probably?" He said

The got up and went to where the others are "Mingxi-ge?" Wuxian looked at what they were doing

He saw a leg and a neck being held up "We found-" He got cut off as Mingxi spoke

"You found another one?" Mingxi asked "Yes" He answered "It's only the limbs that is here...Where could the head and the body be?" Yunxi asked "It appears to have connections to resentful energy" Xiao said which made every disciple who was now present crack their heads to Wei Wuxian

"The energy he's been using is spiritual energy. Turn your head back." Xinyi smiled creepily "...Why is there a mark in Their hand?" Jingyi asked

"What creature has a mark on the hand?" Xiao asked "A peacock?" Xinhe answered "Peacocks are very far away! They only visit once a month, and the visit time isn't here yet" Yunxi spoke

"From which clan tho?" A disciple asked "They are naked..." Shizui said

Jiyang placed his hand on his chin while walking back and forth, Wuxian squatted and looks at the Body parts that are laid down

"Jin clan isn't the only peacock clan here..and they're far away, the only possibility is Ling Yu or anyone of the neighbors. Ling Yu visits here very often to play..." Jiyang said

"With who? I haven't seen any children around here?" Mingjue asked "With his Lover! He's 18 by the way" Wei Wuxian


"Well...We should find the rest of the body and then investigate..or just do it at the same time" - Yunxi

They all separated in ways and went on search of the other parts.

A kitten went Infront of Hunny and transformed into human "Lan Zhan Honey, you still look handsome as ever!" She laughed "You guys didn't even realize that the body was just a piece of plastic, finding the scattered clues will only bring you trouble!!" She maniacally laughed

Hunny stared at her with disgust "Aww little kitty, I know I'm pretty please stop staring at me lovingly" She said then picked up Hunny who was moving away from her. "Im flattered, little one" she smiles like a lunatic

Hunny wiggled harshly scratching her her and there trying to get down "Owch! You stupid cat! Now my beautiful skin is destroyed!!" She said then Hunny dropped in the floor and ran away with his siblings

Ren Lifei only looked at the running cats and glared "Stupid Cat!"

She got back to her usual thinking and said "Soon! Soon, you will be mine again Lan Wangji... I will not let you got his time darling~" She then disappeared into thin air

'Dang that woman got problems' Someone thought and ran away to report the scene they just saw


A man clothed in black went through the window, sneakily

"皇后 [Empress - Huánghòu], 皇帝[Emperor - Huángdì], 公主 [Princess - Gōngzhǔ], a certain someone reported what she's been doing" A man said and kowtowed "What has that woman been up to?" The empress asked

"She's planning to take 二皇子[Second Prince - Èr huángzǐ] away and drug him to mark her and do the doing.. then bear the first grandchild of this generation" He reported



Th Huángdì slammed his hand on the wooden table Infront of him

Making the guy flinch "Is there anything?" The Huanghou asked "Yes Huángdì, She's also been planning to wipe out the other empires, burn the temples and Take their source of power"

"Oh? She got too inspired by the Crimson Rain Sought Flower that she wanted to try it herself! Let's see how long you will last, Ren Lifei" The Princess said

The empress clenched her fists "Go spy on her and tell me EVERYTHING"

"Yes Huángdì" He said


The sound of him leaving was heard "A-Xiao, I will now go back to seclusion" The Huángdì bowed to his wife

"Please be careful father" The Gōngzhǔ said and left after bowing to both of them

"Mn" The Huánghòu answered

The Huángdì and Gōngzhǔ] left, leaving the Huánghòu alone "Ren Lifei, you sure are brave. After killing me? You think he is going to like you? HMPH! In your dreams sha yatou!" she said and sat down

"Huánghòu, Your Tea"

"Ah! Thank you darling, you may leave"

The Maid smirked and left, she closed the door and disappeared "Sha guniang, you think I don't know that you're her minion? Tsk. A-Li, take this away" The Huánghòu ordered

A girl with White and mint clothing with cloud patterns came out and took the cup away.


Hi! Sorry for not updating, I didn't know what to do in this mind is filled with two different transmigration stories, made by me in my mind. This had been a draft for 12 days T~T.

I might upload a new story that I'm probably not gonna finish... so yeah. Haha bye

Sha yotou: Stupid girl
Sha guniang: Silly girl

this was supposed to be uploaded on march 27 😭  Sorry for making you wait

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