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With the ac in your living room broken down, you rapidly waved your fan to your face as you try to satisfy yourself with the cool air that it was producing.

The heat was still unbearable even if you are wearing shorts and a thin t-shirt. You almost felt like you were about to melt and get absorbed by the carpet.

You heard footsteps coming but you did not lift up your head to check out who it was.

"Darling get up from the floor, I haven't vaccumed it yet." Yeonjun set a bowl of ice cream on the table and pulled you up to the couch.

"It's so hot..." You groaned grumpily.

"Sorry my fault." You snickered at your boyfriend and he just chuckled.

He scooped a spoon full of ice cream and tried to feed you. As the cold snack reached your lips, you paused and glared at Yeonjun.

It was mint choco ice cream. "Do you want me to hit you, Choi?"

"Kidding!" He ate the ice cream off the spoon and got the cookies cream for you.

"Here you go your Majesty~" You opened up your mouth and smiled like a child as you tasted the delicious sweet treat.

You scooted close to Yeonjun but leaving a small space. "It must be already snowing in Korea..."

"It already is. The boys sent me a pic of them pouring a bucket of snow on Soobin while he was sleeping."

You giggled as you imagined a snow covered Soobin chasing the younger ones around the dorm looking like a yeti.

"Why did we even decide to live in a tropical country?"

"Because you said you couldn't handle cold temperature."

"Well I take that back now." You rested your head on Yeonjun's broad shoulder as you pouted.

"I also realised we never get to experience snow together..."

"You're right. We met each other at Seoul but we always go back here to your home country."

"I heard that if you experience the first snowfall with your special someone, you two will stay with each other for a long time." Yeonjun hummed and put his arm around your shoulder.

"Snowfall or no snowfall, I know we will stay together for a very, very, very, long time." He tackled you down and showered you with many kisses on your face.

You giggled as you try to push him off. "Hey get off of me! It's fcking hot now!"

He fell on the floor and you laughed at him.

"Maybe you should take a bath because you keep on complaining how hot it is!"

"But I'm too lazy..." You groaned but you immediately stood up when Yeonjun gave you a strict look.

As you showered, you thought that Yeonjun was correct, a nice bath was all you needed to cool down but you can't help but keep on hearing weird noises from outside which made you quickly finish showering.

You stepped out of the bathroom, dressed and drying your hair with a towel as you walked towards the living room.

"Yeonjun what's all of that noises? Are you okay-" You shivered as you felt cool air slapping against your newly showered body.

You stepped in the living room seeing the ac working, a snowman plushie on the couch and cutouts of snowflakes everywhere.

"WELCOME TO WINTER WONDERLAND!" Yeonjun popped out from behind the couch, fully dressed in winter attire.

He approuched your freezing state and wrapped a coat over you and putting a long scarf on your neck.

"You must be freezing, my love."

"W-What's this?"

"You said you want to experience the first snowfall with me so..." Yeonjun pulled out a spray can and started spraying false snow everywhere and even landed on both of your heads.

You caught a handfull and giggled at the soft texture.

He took a step foward and held your hand, leaning foward. "Let's stay together for eternity."

He softly kissed your lips as you just melted even if it was cold.

Yeonjun pulled back and saw your blushing state.

"Is it the chill or the romance that make your cheeks blush?" (🥑: plus points for those who know where I got this sentence:>)

"S-Shut up!"

He only chuckled and kissed the tip of your nose.

"You don't really need to answer that cause I now I'm the only one who can make you blush like that." You just hit him on the chest but Yeonjun just hugged you tightly.

Both of you just ended up drinking hot chocolate with calming music in the backround as both of you enjoyed this made up winter wonderland.

.•°T H E E N D°•.

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