•Flower Boy pt.2•

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Just as expected, Kai just bossed you around. You were literally doing things that you do not usually do in the shop. Such as cleaning some rooms of the house and running errands for him.

"So when am I going to do my actual job?" You said tiringly after running outside to buy paper and ink.

"You're already doing your job as a maid." He smirked when he saw your angered face. "Well then, take over my place while I go upstairs."

You were now the cashier so you just waited patiently until someone walks in.

You were playing around with some coins when you heard the bell ring. You saw a strikingly handsome man with long hair, round eyes and sharp jaw. He smiled when he saw you and went in looking for a bouquet.

"Excuse me, madam."

"Which bouquet would you reccommend for me?"

"Well those bouquet of roses over there are our best seller. Especially red roses." He picked up the largest bouquet and you thought how lucky whoever is going to receive that from him.

"My mother will definately love this."

He went to you to pay for it. "Thank you for your purchase!"

Before he went out, he plucked out a rose from the bouquet and gave it to you.

"For you, my lady" you accepted it and felt your whole face burning.

"Oh my... Well, thank you."  He winked at you and walked out.

"Put it back." You almost fell out of your chair when you heard Kai's voice from behind you.

"My goodness, stop scaring me!"

"I said put it back." You looked at him confused. You looked at what you were holding and you got the idea of what he was talking about.

"And why should I do that? The costumer himself gave it to me."

"Because I don't want a single flower to be wasted on somebody who doesn't deserve it." My god I am about to throw a cactus at this guy, you thought to yourself.

You breathed out calmly. "Okay sir, I will put it back to it's rightful place." You sarcastically said.

You were going to walk to the bathroom but you purposely bumped his shoulder, scoffing when he whimpered from pain.

"Why you little shi-"

"Don't you dare follow me perv, I'm going to the bathroom."


It was already night time and the shop was about to close. You were sleeping on the cash register, exhausted from such a busy day.

A grumpy Kai walked down the stairs when he saw the shop still completely open. "Y/N why are the lights still open? The shop was supposed to close 30 minutes ago-" He paused when he saw your sleeping figure.

Kai knows that he made you do a lot of stuff today but he did not expect you to be THIS tired.

"What the hell should I do..." He whispered to himself while he scratched the back of his head.

He can not just leave you sleeping on the table since his father might scold him when he gets back home the next day.

He has no choice but to let you sleep at his house.

He locked the doors and closed the lights before approuching to you to carry you. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around your waist, still stuck in deep slumber, Kai lifted you up, bridal style, and carefully carried you upstairs.

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