Familiar Faces (16)

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Edited by Grammarly so maybe not the best

My head was spinning as a pair of hands picked me up. "Be gentle with her!" I heard a familiar voice hiss. I tried to move my arms but he quickly pinned them to my sides. "Go to sleep," a different voice whispered. He muttered a spell and I passed out.


I woke up with a start, I sat up quickly and looked around. I was in a dark room, all made of cement. There was a small window on the top of the wall to my left. I could barely see anything because it was so dark.

I stood up and tried to search my surroundings, I found nothing. I saw a door and tried to open it, locked. I was stuck in an unknown place with unknown people. I started to bang on the door, scratching my knuckles against the metal parts.

Suddenly I heard footsteps on the other side of the door. I backed away from the door with my fists up, ready to fight. The door was unlocked and it slowly opened. I took a big breath, ready to fight. When I saw the man's face I stopped and lowered my fists. "Lucius, what are u doing?"

"I'm a death eater, did you not know that?" he asked, "I'm here to see if your safe, Severus asked me too," he said, stepping forward. I stepped back.

"Is he ok?" I asked. Lucius nodded and looked around.

"Would you like a room darling?" he asked, holding out his hand. I hesitated and looked at him. "Could you take me to see Severus?" I asked.

"I cannot, but he is here and safe," he said, still holding out his hand. I took it slowly and we started walking up the stairs.

"How is your death eater problem at the school?" he asked. I was about to answer but I stopped and looked at him. I removed my hand from his. "H-How did you know I was having problems?" I asked.

"Well, we all keep tabs on people," he said smoothly.

I looked at him and back away. "Lucius, how do you know?" I asked again, taking a few steps back. His gentle look turns to one of slight anger. "Is it really any of your business?" he hissed.

"Lucius, you are being weird," I said, stepping further away from him. He stepped closer and gripped my wrist tightly.

"You need to learn to mind your business, little girl," he growled, pulling me down the hall.

"Lucius! Let go, your hurting me!" I cried out. He chuckled and threw me into the next room, my body slammed against the floor.

"This won't be the only time if you keep misbehaving and putting your nose where it doesn't belong!" he growled darkly. He shut the door and locked it, staring at me as I crawled backward. "Lucius what are you doing?" I asked in a panicked tone.

He only looked at me with a sinister smirk, slowly walking closer to me. "Lucius stop," I demanded, scrambling to get up.

"I'm just doing my job Lily," he watched me as I backed away, accidentally backing myself against the back wall. He walked forward and placed one hand on the wall next to me and the other was placed on my waist.

"Lucius, you are better than this, please," I pleaded. Without warning his hand against the wall grabbed my wrist and pinned them above my head, his other hand stayed around my waist.

"You don't know anything about me," he hissed. I gulped and turned my head to the side as he leaned in even closer.

"For the next few days you belong to me, and me only," he growled, kissing my neck gently. I whimpered and pushed myself further against the wall.

"Lucius please," I whispered under my breath. He only looked at me, a hint of evil swimming in his eyes.

"Don't tell me you won't enjoy it. Remember what we used to do?" he grinned, hinting at when we used to have sex.

"Things have changed!" I shouted, spitting in his face. His face went angry and he gripped my throat. "We'll see about that," he growled, kissing my jaw.

He threw me against the ground before walking to be the door. He threw me so hard he had ripped a piece off my shirt. "I'll be back, you better behave," he hissed.

Lucius' P.O.V

I shut the door and walked to the room where Severus was locked up. I wanted to somewhat tease him about Lily. I wanted to prove to him I'm much more than what he said I am, I want to make him angry.

I made it to his room and unlocked the door. His arms were chained to the wall while he sat on his knees, his head hung low. He was beaten pretty badly, I could see the bruises on his exposed skin.

"Severus. Severus. Head up, now!" I demanded, slamming the door shut. He looked up at me with defeated eyes, I almost felt sorry for him. Wait, no I didn't, he is getting what he deserves.

"Severus, do I have some news for you. It's something amazing, I really think you will love it," I smirked, watching his everybody movement.

I grabbed the piece of her shirt from my pocket and held it in front of him. "I just got this, do you know what it is?" I asked, dangling it in front of him.

Anger flashed in his eyes and he jerked against the chains. "Don't fucking touch her!" he spat, pulling against the chain. I laughed and kicked him hard in the stomach. He groaned and buckled down.

"You don't tell me what to do anymore. I'm going to show her how a real man treats a woman," I smirked, putting the fabric up to my nose I smelled it.

"It smells just like her, young and oh so sweet," I teased him. He clenched his jaw and kept his head down. "Oh, do you have nothing else to say?" I asked mockingly.

"I'm going to kill you," he muttered. I punched him and laughed.

"You used to be my best friend, you aren't going to do shit. Plus, what are you doing to do? You'll never leave this house alive," I laughed before walking away.

I stopped for a moment and turned around, a thought crossed my mind and I knew it would mess with him. "Maybe I'll go fetch Tom," I grinned. His eyes darted to meet mine and it looked as if steam could come from his ears.

"Don't you fucking dare," he growled, pushing all of his strength against the chains. I only glanced at him before leaving, slamming the door behind me.

Severus' P.O.V

I sat in defeat against the wall as I watched the door. I could feel the dry blood on my skin and the bruises starting to form. My wrists were sore from the constant pulling against the restraints and my mind was fuzzy.

I sat in silence as I listened to the sound of feet passing by the door, every so often a laugh was heard from behind the door. "Merlin please keep her safe," I muttered. I looked at the restraints and pulled on them slightly, I hissed at the pain but I had to get out of here.

There was no way I'm getting out of here. I've tried wandless magic, I've tried every spell in the book. It must be a personally made spell or a super rare spell.

"Just keep her safe is all I'm asking," I muttered again.
Word count: 1315

I'm sorry it's kind of a short chapter. I'm trying to get chapters out because I'm falling behind on it. Please be patient, I promise chapters will be being.

The Potion's Master #2 (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now