Convincing (23)

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I spent the day planning and teaching. I want something exciting to happen. I want the Severus that would spend all weekend fucking me in every spot in his house.

I knew how to get that out of him. Today is Wednesday, and usually we make dinner in my room on Wednesday. My plan is going to work perfectly.

During my prep period Severus came in my room and sat in the chair next to me. "I'm going to be a little late to dinner tonight, I'm helping the Ms. Granger in the Library around 5, that should give me plenty of time.

"Alright darling, would you like me to start cooking dinner?" he asked.

"That would be wonderful," I replied. He stood up and walked behind my chair. He hugged me and kissed my cheek sweetly.

"I will see you later darling," with that he walked out, shutting the door behind me. I smile to myself as the bell rang for my 4th class of the day.

It's my 1st year students, which included the Granger girl. "Good after noon Ms. Fairwell," she greeted me and took her seat.

"Good afternoon Ms. Granger," I smiled as I wrote on the board.

This class went a lot smoother than others. They made their potions and took notes. When they were finished they either read books or talked to their friends. When class was over everyone left.

The last two classes went the exact same way, other than, Mr. Parker spilling his cauldron.

I ate a little snack before going to meet Ms. Granger in the Library. She was already sitting in there when I entered. She looked up and closed her book when she saw me.

"Hello," she greeted me as she used magic to pull the chair out.

"Good evening," I replied, "So, what did you need help with?" I asked.

"I lied," she paused and I looked confused at her, "please don't be mad. I-I just I know you know where Hermione is," my breathe hitched in my throat.

"Come with me," I stood up and held my hand out for her to grab. She grabbed it and I took her out of the library and into a nearby empty classroom.

We sat down and I grabbed a picture from my pocket. I handed it to her, she stared at it and smiled slightly. "That was taken a few months before the school year started," I whispered.

"Where is she?" she asked me.

"I'm not aloud to tell you Willow," I replied. Tears started to well in her eyes.

"I just want to see her Ms. Fairwell," she whimpered.

"Please call me Lily, Hermione was my best friend. She was like my sister, which makes you my little sister," I smiled lightly as I grabbed her hand.

"C-Can you at least tell me what she has been doing?" she sniffled.

"I can. She has been in hiding with Ron and Harry, I was with them until I started teaching," I paused and remembered some of the times we spent running together.

"They are safe, I've had a few meeting with them this year. Her and Ron are friends again and right now we are trying to figure out how to defeat Voldemort," I saw tears now stream down her face.

"Every time I went to see her the first thing she asked about was you," she looked up at me and tears started to stream faster, "she misses you a lot Willow but she is doing this to protect you and your parents, I promise," without warning she hugged me tightly.

"I-I know, I just m-miss her so much. I would give anything to see her again," she sobbed.

"I know Willow, I haven't seen her in awhile," she stopped and grabbed something from her pocket.

"Next time you see her will you give this to her?" she asked as she wiped her tears and blew her nose. I grabbed it and nodded.

I stood up and hugged her tightly. "You can keep that photo, as a reminded she is always with you. And if you need absolutely anything I am always here," I smiled and went to open the door.

"You need to get to dinner before you get in trouble. Please be safe and I will talk to you another time," she nodded and walked out of the room with me.

I walked to my room and went into my chambers where Severus was already cooking dinner. "Hi Sev," I made myself known.

Severus walked to me and wrapped me in his warm embrace. "Hello darling," he whispered, kissing me passionately.

"Can I talk to you about something? If your not to busy with dinner," I asked, keeping my eyes on the floor. He grabbed my chine and made me look his eyes.

"Let me throw this in the crockpot then we can talk," he whispered as he pulled away. I sat on the couch as I heard him in the kitchen before footsteps told me he was walking towards me.

He sat next me and pulled me to his chest. "What do you want to talk about sweetheart?" he asked, running his fingers threw my hair softly.

"You know Willow Granger, right?" I asked awkwardly. I knew what he answer was going to be, but I have to try.

"Yes?" he drawled out, looking at me with confusion written all over his face.

"Well, she asked me to help her with an assignment today and when I went to help her she started talking to me about Hermione," I paused and looked away from him, scared of his response.

"She really misses her and wants to see her. Can we please take her when we go see them this weekend. I know it's a risk with the dark lord but she seems so unhappy, she is starting to fail my class and she is a smart girl. I just, I've known her since she was born. I know Hermione misses her too. It would do the both of them good. Please Severus," I looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"Lily you know how dangerous that can be for not only Ms. Granger but us and Potter," he started.

"I know but we can be careful, we can keep her hidden when we go, it's just I can't stand to see her like this," I was going to do anything to get her to see Hermione.

"Lily, the dark lord already wants us dead. I don't want to risk losing you. Or anyone else getting harmed," he hissed in my ear.

"Even if it's just for 5 minutes. I'll do anything please!" I begged.

"FINE! But only for a few minutes, make sure she is here at 8:30am on Saturday, unseen by anyone," he whispered hugging me once more.

"Thank you Severus. This is going to mean so much to her," I hugged him tightly and gave him a big kiss.

I pulled away and started to get up but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, I landed on his lap as he pulled me into a kiss. His hands cupped my face as mine tangled themselves in his hair.

"I love you," he muttered against my lips.

"I love you too Sev," I whispered against his ear. We pulled away from each other and I laid against him.

After a few moments I heard a long beep from the kitchen telling me dinner was ready.

"Would you like to go eat darling?" he asked as he got up, pulling me up with him.

"That sounds lovely," I replied kissing his cheek and following him to the kitchen.



Word count: 1362

This chapter seems shorter than the others but also this is near the ending of the book. There will be 3, at most 4 more chapters, but I am having one more following this one, called

My past, present, and future.

It won't come out for a bit because imma write a few chapters before posting it so it's not months apart like it was for this one.

The Potion's Master #2 (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now