Bargain (7)

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Before I was able to see what was going on Severus slammed the door in my face. I put my ear to the door and listened closely. "Mr. Smart, why are you not in class," I could hear the anger in his voice.

"Sorry sir, I was just looking for Professor Fairwell and I heard noises in the closet. I could hear Severus gulp. We forgot a silencing charm. I facepalmed myself before opening the door.

"Professor Snape I found it, thank you so much for helping me look for it," I said as I held out a vile of purple liquid.

"Your quite welcome, now if you don't mind I have people to see," with that he walked off.

Just as Smart was walking away I grabbed the collar of his shirt. "Not so fast," I asked in an angry tone, "we have some things to discuss."

I lead him to my classroom in complete silence.  I opened the door and as soon as he was in I slammed it shut. "So you didn't do anything this morning hmm?" I went to the closet and pulled out a bucket of soapy water and a sponge.

"Looks like you will be spending the day cleaning all of the honey off of the floor, along with my desk and chair," I handed him the bucket before sitting at the nearest desk.

"But Professor Fairwell, it wasn't me," he whined as he dropped the bucket on the floor.

"Sure you didn't, until you have the proof for that, your serving detention for me, for the rest of the year," he whined then dropped to his knees but then he had an idea.

He took out his wand and cleaned it with one flick of the wrist. "Did I say you can use magic?" I asked as I stood up. He smirked and stood up. "Did you say I couldn't use magic?" He asked in a smart-ass tone. I rolled my eyes and opened the door. "Get out, I will be talking to professor Snape about your behavior," I heard him mumble something and I stopped him in his tracks.

"What did you say!" I asked as I pulled him back.

He gulped before answering. "I said of course you are, your fucking him," he said each word slowly. My face burned with rage but a fearfulness was also present. "Language!" Without thinking I took out my wand and pointed it at him. "Obliviate," he fell to the floor with a thud but within seconds he was getting up.

"Are you ok Mr. Smart?" I asked as I helped him up, "you fell as you were leaving."

He stood up and looked at me. "Ya, I'm fine. I have no idea what just happened," with that he felt. I let out a sigh of relief and went to my chambers to take a shower.

I went to the bathroom and turned on the showerhead and undressed as I waited for the water to warm up a bit. Once it was warm I stepped in and relaxed my muscles.

I didn't stay in long since I had a meeting with a woman about being a student teacher for me and Neville.

I quickly got out and put on a nice outfit before doing my hair and makeup. I grabbed some papers and went to my desk in the classroom. Classes were over by now so I just graded papers to pass the time.

As I was on the 3rd year papers there was a knock on the door. "Come in," I said as I sat the papers aside. The door opened and a young woman around my age walked through the door.

She was slightly taller than me and in my opinion, she looked like a goddess compared to me. "Welcome, miss..." I paused for a second so she could give me her name. 

"Taylor, Sky Taylor," she introduced herself.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Sky. I'm Lily Fairwell," I introduced myself before shaking her hand.

The Potion's Master #2 (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now