Potion Making (25)

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"Go over to the shelf and grab an advance potions book-" he stated, pulling away from me.


"You heard me," he smoothly spoke, "go grab the book" he hissed into my ear.

I looked at him with a confused look and went to grab the book. As I did so he used his wand to clear his desk and set potion making ingredients on it.

"Come around my desk and turn to page 284," he was starting to sound like his grumpy self when he really was my potions master. I did as I was told and when I flipped to the pages. I looked at him and he huffed before turning me around to face his desk.

"I want you to start making this potion, any mistakes at all and you will restart until you get it perfectly," I could hear the smirk on his face, "and you must tell me how to make the potion step by step."

"No, please anything else," I whined.

"Get to work, or you'll be here all night," he hissed.

I rolled my eyes and look at the potion I'd be making. "This shouldn't take to long," I muttered to myself. I started to cut my ingredients when he suddenly flipped up my skirt and slapped my ass.

I gasped and turned to look at him. "Turn around and keep working," a huge smirk rested on his face as he looked at my flustered one.

I did as I was told and continued to cut. His hand met my ass another time, making my grip on the knife much tighter. "S-Severus, this isn't what I meant," I gripped through my teeth.

He smirked and gripped my hair, pulled me back so I could see his face. "First, it's professor Snape to you! Second, you said I could use any punishment I see fit. And I chose this one, let's see how well you can stay together under stress," he smirked, pushing my head back to the table.

As I filled the cauldron with water I felt his fingers slide against my damp panties. I took in a deep breath and threw in the powder that makes it a potion base.

I looked at the book before throwing in 3 strings of cat hair and stirring it 3 times counterclockwise. As I finished stirring it he quietly slipped a finger into me.

I gasped and stirred it more than I was supposed to. He tutted me from behind and make the potion disappear, now being water again.

I cursed to myself as I clamped my eyes shut. "Keep going" he whispered in my ear, moving his finger slowly.

I took a deep breath before I threw the powder in again before adding the cat hair and stirring it. The next step was to add 2 cups of Dragon's blood. As I measured it he slipped another finger into me, an amused smirked painted on his face.

I moaned quietly as I poured the 2 cups into the cauldron. Before I continued I put my head on the desk, breathing heavily as he expertly hit my G-spot with his long slender fingers.

The next step was too add exactly 3 and 1/4 leaves of mint. I put three in and as precisely as I could cut the 4th leaf into 4 exact pieces.

The Potion's Master #2 (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now