New arrivals

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So now that abuelo Pedro has been introduced as the spirit, I'm gonna be using his name instead of "Casita". Enjoy!!!

Luisa arrived at the house nervous and a little scared. She didn't understand what was happening to her. However, Alma knew but she needed Luisa to be calm. Since it was already night time, Alma told her that they better talk in the morning. The next day, Everyone woke up and we're getting ready for breakfast.

The first thing that Mirabel saw when she walked to the breakfast table were her parents and Alma talking to Luisa "What's happening?" She asked Pedro, she could tell they were scared and nervous by the butterflies flying around them

"Something happened while Luisa was out, she's telling them about it" he said "They are not giving a straight answer though, I don't think they seem to understand her"

Maribel went to get some food  then to her family around Luisa "Hey sis"

"Mirabel we'll handle your sister, it's best if you sit and eat your breakfast" Julieta said

Mirabel sighed and looked at her sisters face, the butterflies around her were magenta "You mean you're trying but failing to handle it, she's frustrated and I can help you understand" they all look at her confused except for Alma "the walls Can talk to me you know, abuela let me try" she said

Alma knew what she meant but she didn't want a big audience overwhelming Luisa "Let's eat first, please and everything will be talked about after. I promise"

Everyone sat down at the table. Luisa's eye was twitching a lot, even with her sisters trying to calm her down. The others were clueless as to why she was acting this was. More so because Julieta and Agustin were also tense.

As they were all done, abuela sent them to their chores except for Luisa and her parents "I'm staying and so is Isabella" Mirabel said grabbing her sisters hand

"Me? Why?" Isa asked

"This is a private conversation we need to have with Luisa mi vida" Julieta said

"I already know what it's about mamá" Mirabel confessed

"You do?" They all asked surprised

"I sort of overheard your conversation last night when you sent me away" Mirabel admitted lowering her voice

"You shouldn't have done that" Alma said

"I know but we deserve to know the whole story and I'm gonna be here to support my sister" she said

"If there's something serious going on and it involves Luisa then I'm staying too. I want to know what's going on" Isabella said

Luisa started tearing up "I don't even know what's going myself, I try my best to explain but-" she said

"I can help" her younger sister said "abuela you know I can" Mirabel said looking at Alma. The others didn't understand but Alma did.

"Do it" she said smiling and pushed aside the others to give her some space.

Mirabel held her sisters hand "Think about what exactly happened last night" she said, closing her eyes Luisa pictures the events. Mirabel held out her hand and magic yellow dust started coming out of her hands. The images showed differently than the first time she did it with her abuelo. The transparent scene showed Luisa at the river, when she touched the water it glowed and came alive in front of her. All of them gasped in surprised, not only at the image but at Mirabel's power. It faded away a few moments later.

"What does that mean?" Luisa asked in a shaky voice, suddenly a hawk sound was heard and a big bird came rushing down to the ground.

A woman clothed in a beige long skirt, red tank top and a red flower crown climbed out of him "We can answer that sweetie, that is the power of the ocean. Same as mine" the woman held out her oar to the river and as she lifted it up, the water did as well. They were all in shock after she let the water down "My name is Moana and this is my husband Maui" she said signaling the big hawk who in that moment turned into a very tall and muscular man with khaki shorts, a white vest and a his hair in a pony tail. (I know having Maui and Moana as a couple feels weird but it's all gonna be explained further)

"Hi" he greeted "We're your birth parents"

"My what?" Luisa said almost whispering "but they are my parents" she said pointing to Julieta and Agustín

They looked at her with scared yet concerned faces but said nothing. Isabella and Mirabel were shocked at the revelation. Even if Mirabel already knew about it, it still came as a surprise to hear it was true "Luisa, I'm sorry to say they are telling the truth" Agustin said walking towards her

"But even if we're not blood, you're still our daughter" Julieta added

"And you're still our sister" Isabella intervened with tears in her eyes, Mirabel nodded in agreement also in tears.

"But- but I have a gift like the rest of the family, what happened last night it's new" Luisa stuttered

"I was chosen by the ocean to be its protector since I was a baby but didn't know about it until I was fifteen. That's when the ocean revealed itself to me" Moana explained "You have the same powers because you come from me, it would've happened at 15 but you weren't in direct contact with water under last night"

"And your real strength comes from me" Maui said

"Casita only enhanced that power corazón" Alma said

"But why?" Luisa asked

"Why what?" Julieta asked

"Why didn't any of you tell me??" She said angrily looking at everyone "Why did you gave me up" she looked at Moana and Maui "why is this happening now?" Looking at her hands "Why did casita enhanced my strength if I'm not family?" She began to hyperventilate "This is too much" she couldn't take it and started to run away.

"Luisa!!" They all yelled

Luisa passed someone on the bridge that looked concerned and confused. She didn't but Mirabel did "Natalia, go after her, she needs you more than she needs us right now" Natalia got scared and quickly ran after Luisa.

The families were also concerned and confused "Mirabel we have to go talk to her" Julieta said

"Not yet, she needs some space. This is a lot to process and if I was in her place, I wouldn't want to see any of us" Mirabel said

"Mira is right, she's in good hands, trust us" Isabella said

"Now we need to know what are you doing here?? You said that you would stay away, that you wouldn't come" Alma said

"I know but since she has come of age and has received her powers, Luisa needs to understand them, to know how to use them and that's what we're here for" Moana said

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