Getting to Know Them

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Hey!!! I apologize for not being active much. I've been taking some new meds for anxiety and focus. Since I have a few things on my plate, they keep me focus. I'm not sure what I'm gonna make off this chapter but enjoy!!!

Te Fiti went to rest so Moana and Maui guided Luisa to their cottage. It was smaller than a brick house but it could fit them. Inside there were three hammocks close together and a stoned stove in the middle.

"Sorry it's small, since we normally are two people, we had to cramp it all together" Maui said

"It's good" Luisa replied looking around

"Want to eat something? It's fishing time" Moana asked, Maui got all excited and ran to his net

"No thanks" Luisa said

"I still gotta go catch our dinner for tonight, come on" Maui said before running out the door

Moana giggled before gesturing Luisa to follow. Outside, there was a cool calm breeze. Birds were flying around and the ocean waves were shimmering.

Maui walked to the water until it was up his waist "Yeeehoooo" he yelled and he stood but with his head shift into a sharks head

Luisa snorted covering her mouth trying not to laugh. Moana did laugh out loud making her husband grunt "Honey, shark head" she said chuckling, Luisa did the same

"Aaawww bobkiss" he said annoyed "Well at least you got a good laugh ha ha ha" he laughed and fully shifted into a shark "Yeeeehoooo" he yelled diving into the water.

"Want to see him catch the fishes?" Moana asked Luisa

The girl looked intrigued "How?" She asked

"Come on" Moana reached out for Luisa to take her hand. She did and their feet touched the water "Close your eyes" Luisa did as told "For you to be one with the ocean you have to let it get to know you. In your case, it knows you since you were born. I gave birth to you in the ocean and it was the first thing your skin touched as soon as you came out into the world"

"Really?" Luisa said

"Yes, though since you grew up away from us, you would have to reconnect again. Don't worry, it'll let you" As soon as Moana said that, the ocean began to glow. This made the woman smile, she knew what would happen next "Now picture in your mind watching Maui fishing and the ocean walls surrounding us"

Luisa did was Moana told her. The ocean began to part in front of them. Moana moved them forward little by little, the ocean following and surrounding them. Luisa was stunned, she saw the coral, the fishes swimming then she saw a shark holding a net that had caught a few fishes.

"This is amazing" Luisa said amazed

Maui noticed them, shifted into a dolphin and started doing tricks in the water. He reached out and Luisa let him touch her hand. This made Maui and Moana smile wide. They continued to watch Maui catch some fishes until he jumped out the water and beside them.

"Well this is all I could catch. I think I caught for breakfast tomorrow even" Maui said

"That's great!! I'm gonna collect some fruits and coconuts later too" Moana told him

"I can do it" Maui responded, Moana nodded

Moana noticed Luisa wasn't in their conversation "Luisa, do you want to stay here for a bit and look at the fishes?"

"No, it's ok. I can help you with the fruit if you let me" Luisa suggested

"Of course" Moana said

As they moved to the shore, the water followed. It finally set itself on the edge. Moana and Luisa went through the island. They picked out berries, oranges, apples, bananas. Maui eventually joined in and grew coconuts. Luisa was more surprised at the new discovery than expected. Maui later kept explaining to her all of his abilities.

Back in Encanto, the family was still sad by Luisa leaving. There were blue butterflies everywhere but it mostly affected Mirabel and Isabella.

"What if she decides to stay? What if she forgets about us? What if-" Isabella rambled

"Isa calm down, you're getting petals everywhere" Mirabel said "Tio Bruno already said Luisa will come back. He had a vision about it" 

"Right right, she'll come back" Isabella tried

"I wonder who's gonna do all of her chores now" Mirabel said

"You'll take turns every now and then. Now that Alma knows what you're capable of" a voice said in Mirabels head

"How would you know that Abuelo?" Mirabels asked, Isabella looked at her curiously

"Because I heard her discuss it with your parents and the others" he replied

"Alright but I don't even know half of everything I can do" Mirabel said

"I'll help you, other than that all you need to do is trust your instincts and your gift" Pedro said

"Thanks" she said

"What did he say?" Isabella asked

"That we're gonna be taking turns doing Luisa's chores plus ours" Mirabel told her

"Seriously?" Isabella says with a scowl on her face

"I'm sure it won't be that bad, we'll help" Dolores said approaching them with Camilo beside her

"We can even make it fun, it'll be easy" Camilo said

"They're right hermanita, we can do this" Isabella encouraged

"Alright, let's go talk to abuela and see how we split up the chores" Mirabel said, they all agreed

After talking to Alma, Julieta and Agustin, they dispersed through the town. Antonio was already taking care of the donkeys. Isabella was moving houses with vines she grew and with the help of Dolores. Camilo was suppose to move rocks out of the way. The problem was, they weren't strong enough.

Mirabel was in thought staring at her cousin until an idea struck her "I know, you gotta shift into Luisa" She said

"How is that gonna help? I'm still not gonna be as strong as her" Camilo said before shifting into Luisa

"Leave that to me" Mirabel said. She closed her eyes and concentrated. Some butterflies started to fly around Camilo. When more butterflies surrounded them, the creatures glowed and covered them with magic dust. Soon enough they flew away "Ok now try to lift a boulder"

Camilo got his hands in the boulder and using his own strength with the little help, he lifted the boulder and tossed it aside "Wow that was so cool, now I know what Luisa feels like" he said

Mirabel chuckled "Ok go do some more, the dust wears off soon. I'm gonna go do my chores" she said and left

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