The Long Green Tower(Pt.6)

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(A/n When you realize your sleeping schuelde is bad. Anyways hope you'll like the new cover I had fun making it ;P)

He rushes back to the house grumbling a bit. He doesn't hate his sister, don't get him wrong but sometimes she can be a bit annoying. He enters the casita and sees immediately sees Dolores sitting on the stairs with the rats, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Dol?" She looks up at the boy and rubs her eyes, "don't worry about me! I'm just trying to reason with the rats..."

Camilo sits next to her and then frowns, "What's got you blue?" He asks, she shifts a bit and begins talking. "I, uh made Abuela a bit mad."

Camilo's eyes furrowed, "Why was she mad?" Asked Camilo, "I started speaking bird," She mumbles burying her head into her hands, "You know? Sometimes I don't like being laid back."

"What?" Camilo said. He thought Dolores was always so carefree and laid-back but it just seemed like a facade she put up, "I want to be serious but I can't cause everyone sees me only as a joke! I try to play along but it-"

"Painful?" She looked at her younger brother and nodded.

There was a moment of silence between the two until Camilo coughed to break it, "So, I need your help Dol."

She perked up, "So, Isa told me about a vision Pepa did before she left. If I wanted to find it where would I start?" Camilo asked, "This is about the house isn't it?" She replied. He nodded.

"Well... I think you should start with Pepa's tower." She started, "It was the last place she was seen in." Camilo's eyes widen in horror, "But that place is off-limits!" She grimaces "If you think something wrong and you think the vision can help, you gotta do what you gotta do."

She gets up and leaves him there. He sighs and goes upstairs to where Pepa's room was kept, tucked in the corner. He stares at the door.

It was like any of the doors except her eyes were open like Luisa, as if he could see all, unlike the family. He takes a deep breath and opens it, suddenly he hears tile clanking he turns and sees the Casita tiles trying to get in but to no avail. "You can't come?" The casita temples with the same gesture as well with moving in a way as if to ask, 'will you be okay?'

"Don't worry I'll be fine" he turns around, "I got to do this, for the candle, for our family and a little bit for me." He takes a step forward and immediately falls into a pile of sand.

"Ick!" He screeches, wiping the sand out of his eyes. He looks to see a spiral of stairs as well a sign saying 'Your future awaits up there'. "Holy, that's alot of stairs." He mumbled.

He sighs and begins walking up the stairs.

"Welcome to the family madrigal! The home of the family madrigal..."

"There's... So many stairs in casa madrigal!"

"You'd think there would be an easier way to get up here since we're magic but NO!" Camilo panted, he looked up and groaned seeing the stairs, "PEPA! YOUR ROOM IS THE WORST."

(Timeskip brought to you by my insomnia)

He crawls the last few steps and sees the vision cave dome entrance, "YES!" He exclaimed, he runs towards it but then he notices the big gap between them. He tries to stop but he already has too much momentum so when he is at the edge he takes a big leap,


He manages to get to the edge safe. "Oh, Saint Maria-" he exclaimed.

He looks up and he sees the entrance, he takes a deep breath and continues in. He looks at the walls and sees statues of Pepa performing the future seeing things.


He spun around, ready to punch someone until he noticed it was just rats and lizards racing away.

He sighs a breath of relief ventures forward. He slowly opens the door to see the room filled with sand, "Jesus, this woman has a sand thing..." He mumbles to himself. Abruptly the door slammed shut before Camilo can keep it open.

Then he sees something glowing, he turns around to see a green glow eliminating from the sand. He walks closer to it and digs through the sand and finds 2 green shards of glass. He fits them together and he gasps, there was him clear as day.

"What am I doing in your vision Pepa?"

Then the cave begins to shake, Camilo froze for a moment before he starts digging for the other shards and he begins stuffing them into his bag. He rushes out of the cave narrowly missing falling rocks.

He rushes out of there and closed the door shut sealing the door behind him.

"Oh my God, that was scary." Then he remembered he would have to go down the stairs. He groans and begins his journey down the stairs, right after making the jump.

(A/n God damn im on a roll, also please read my mermaid au I promise it's good)

875 words

Camilo Giftless AUWhere stories live. Discover now