Cas, come over (one-shot)

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Brought from my ao3 account, where it sat forgotten for years

Castiel's bones tingle with a shiver that comes from within. Not because he's sitting alone in a park beyond 10 p.m., nor because the frost is nibbling at his skin, not because fall is terrible at that time of year. Castiel's spirit is as silent as the ice that coats the fallen leaves. Almost imperceptible, yet weighty and chilly. Oh, it's so very cold. The hollow has the appearance of a bullet hole or a vacuum. A bleak emptiness. Never-ending darkness absorbs everything and leaves the body with no sensations.


It's not a pleasant sensation, but the man recognizes that he'll have to get accustomed to it, suck it up, as Dean would say. Just a few days ago, he didn't feel like death itself. Castiel strolled along the street around two days earlier, a smile on his face and a joyful sensation in his heart.

Oh, he was so happy.

Every time it was the same.

Castiel dives into the happiest memories he could find. It's all the same.

"Hey, Cas." a familiar voice emits from the phone leaving Cas lightheaded. Castiel's stomach fills with butterflies.

That's exactly what occurs most of the time. Castiel learns after a time that he is not meant to feel this way about his closest buddy. He had plunged in too deep at that point, and it was too late.

"Hey, you can't control your feelings, right?" the man consoles himself.

But oh, how he wishes he could. Now and again. It would be so much simpler.

Castiel's phone vibrates in his pocket.

"Hello, Dean." Castiel answers without hesitation

Dean skips the small talk. Castiel packs his things and drives to Dean's place. Sam is there, Benny is there. Gabriel, Charlie, Jo. The whole gang.

Castiel likes movie nights: such a simple thing gave his life so much joy, so much meaning...

They all sit around the TV, joke a bit before the movie starts. Dean always sits between Jo and Cas.

That's just the way things are.

Castiel always leans towards Dean when telling a joke. Dean laughs a bit and turns his gaze to Jo.

That's just the way things have always been. But not today.

Dean calls Castiel wanting to meet at his place.

"But it's not Friday yet..." Castiel sits in his bed

"I need you, Cas."

He needed Cas.

The man grabs his belongings and puts his shoes on in a matter of seconds. Dean is in desperate need of him. Castiel is encouraged by the kind tone of the man's speech. Maybe it's the right time, maybe it's his chance. Castiel gleefully storms out of his residence. A beautiful grin adorns Castiel's lips. Dean sounds ecstatic.

Castiel now wishes he had never left his apartment; he wishes he had never answered the phone or promised to help Dean with his blunder.

"I have planned something special." Dean's speaks "And I need you."

Dean is in desperate need of Cas. But not in the sense that Cas requires. The angel may never have known the sorrow of true love since he has never actually loved someone.

Dean never lets Castiel down. Only this one time.

Cas approaches Dean's house fairly quickly, wind in his hair and glee on his lips; a soft glimmer in the man's cerulean orbs making him appear childish.

In a good way.

A single red rose behind his back.

"Hey, bud." Dean greets Castiel with open arms "You got here quick."

Castiel nods, a tacky lump begins to form in the back of his throat already. Something's not right...

He hurriedly tucks the rose beneath his coat, oblivious to the fact that the thorns are painful. Cas senses something isn't quite right, but the man remains silent. He simply nods and takes his regular seat on the couch. The man doesn't want to sit anywhere else except in the corner. Dean generally sits in the centre.

Castiel clenches his sweaty fists, his back adhering to the shirt, while Dean gives him a drink and sits down next to him. He doesn't express it, and he doesn't ask Dean to turn off the heat. The green-eyed guy glances at Castiel with a tiny grin on his plump lips, knowing full well that he is not the source of that smile.

Dean responds after a brief but deafening pause, his voice bouncing like a joyful puppy. Dean's hands are weak, and Castiel's are unsteady as well, but he simply sits there, mute.

"I'm in love, Cas."

Castiel's inner tremor intensifies, Dean looks at him with a sweet smile on his lips and Castiel hopes that it's not a dream

"I have to tell you something..."Castiel's voice falters, he's gripping the rose under his coat

"I wanted you to know first." Dean continues speaking "You're my best friend, you're like a brother to me, Cas..."

Of course.

Castiel's lips twitch into a frowny smile, he nods lightly, showing his understanding meanwhile his insides are screaming.

"Jo and I..." Dean starts

Castiel breaks apart. His face is calm and emotionless, he feels his eyes brim with tears. He just shrugs it off and pats Dean on the shoulder.

"We've been dating for a while now and I think it's time to tell everyone." Dean smiles "We're getting married, Cas."

Castiel smiles right back at him. His heart breaks into pieces and tears clouded his eyes. Dean glances at his friend with slight confusion.

"I am so happy for you." Castiel manages to utter

He wraps his arm around Dean's shoulders and gives him a supportive squeeze.

Dean is happy, Castiel feels the rose thorns against his skin, he's not going to ruin their happiness.

The rose stem is between Castiel's fingers. He rotates the flower slowly, his eyes looking somewhere past it. The rose from two days ago had wilted, Castiel sympathizes with it. His fingers grip the fragile petals and rip them off one by one, slowly. It's agonizing.

The man rises from his seat and sighs. The vibrant petals get crushed under his feet. Castiel lets out a huff, it's cold.

He decides that it's time to get back inside. It's his best friend's wedding after all. 

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