Chapter five ⛧

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"Dean! "

"He's not breathing, Sam. "

"Damn it, Cas, do something! "


"Do something! "

Dean struggled to keep his eyes open. All the sounds surrounding him merged into one low hum, all the colours in front of him looked like a messy pallet.

"Am I... " Dean's eyes slowly closed "Dead?"

"Dean, stay awake... " The voice slowly faded


"Stay awake..."

"But it's so hard and the light seems so peaceful..."


Dean reached for the burning light, it sucked him in and enveloped the man's whole body into a warm blanket. Suddenly flashes of black and red jumped all around behind his closed eyelids but the storm of colours calmed down soon and turned into nothingness. Nothing but black. Dean closed his tired eyes and let out a relieved sigh. For the first time in thirty years, he felt calm, shaken off of all his worries and troubles. The cruel cold world out there somewhere didn't matter anymore. All the trouble washed away. Dean was in heaven.

A loud annoying screech disturbed Dean's peaceful sleep. The man let out an annoyed groan and reached his arm out to smash whatever was making that noise. His tight fist collided with a small ringing device smashing it into tiny plastic pieces. Dean rolled over and buried his face in the pillow. It smelled nice, like one of those expensive fabric softeners on the TV. Dean never got to buy it because he and Sam were too busy hunting werewolves and sparkling creatures of the night and nice smelling laundry wasn't their top priority.

Dean chuckled, still half asleep. The sheets were incredibly soft and light as feathers. As much as the man liked laying in bed awake doing nothing he had to get up because his stomach sounded like an awful marching band during the final rehearsal. Dean inhaled the lavender scent once more before lifting himself up and opening his eyes. 

"Now, this is just awful." The man smiled at the terrible floral patterns on the sheets 

The man chuckled softly and smoothed down the pillow. He couldn't believe that he agreed to buy those pillow covers. They were just awful, floral sickeningly cute patterns that Dean was so used to seeing while watching sappy romantic comedies. He stared at the bed smiling to himself. No matter how hideous the covers were he liked them. It added a speck of sweet romance to his life. The man stared at another side of the bed which was as messy as the side he was sleeping currently in. Dean squinted his eyes. Was he sleeping with someone? Dean just shrugged his shoulders, it was probably his head imprint on that other pillow. 

Dean stretched before walking out the door, his joins let out satisfying popping sounds as he did that. The man yawned all the way to the kitchen. he was awake but the bed was still calling. Dean was considering skipping breakfast and taking a nap but his gut was churning painfully. Dean's bare feet tapped against the cold tile floor. The kitchen was silent, the playful morning sun bathed the area in bright golden light. Dean squinted his eyes and looked around the kitchen for a bowl. 

"Whatever..." Dean sighed not able to find any bowls "Toast it is then..."

The man grabbed the bread which he was able to find and tossed two slices into the toaster. He made himself a cup of coffee while he waited for the toast to gain that beautiful golden brown colour. He didn't like his toast burnt. 

Dean frowned biting into a dry toast, he couldn't find any butter either. It was like all the food evaporated from the kitchen. Dean looked around the house. He felt good but kinda weird. It felt like something was off but the man couldn't wrap his mind around it. Something was off but the harder Dean tried to figure out the more insignificant it became till the man forgot that something bothered him in the first place. His life was good so what was the point in trying to create a chicken out of a feather? 

Dean tossed the bread aside, he couldn't eat the toast without any butter. The man quietly sipped his coffee and looked out the window with a faint smile gracing his lips. Something was still missing. It was so tiny and seamless but the longer Dean thought about it the bigger it became. It was like a puzzle piece just brutally ripped out of his head leaving a blank space. 

Dean got lost in his thought, the time ran quicker than he wanted it to run. It was already noon and Dean hadn't left the kitchen. Well, the noon came quickly because Dean slept until the sun was blazing high up in the sky. Dean decided that it's time to do something productive, maybe clean around the house or try to find something to fix...

At first, Dean didn't notice the framed pictures on the walls. His gaze just shifted past them as the man walked by. Only a couple of hours later Dean decided to take a look. The pictures seemed to be everywhere and not knowing what was in those photos was bugging him. Dean grabbed a random picture from the desk in his bedroom and almost dropped it. He stared at the picture smiling in confusion because he didn't recall him and Cas going to the Bahamas. 

"Look at this...Heh..." Dean's smile slowly dropped in realization

The man looked at his hand noticing a golden ring on his finger. The man's eyebrows curled upwards, confusion didn't leave his face it just intensified. Dean stared at the golden band around his digit with his mouth open wide like a cartoon character. Dean stormed downstairs to look at the pictures above the fireplace. 

Married. He was happily married and liked travelling. At least that was what the pictures showed him. Dean gently ran his fingers across the glass surface, his eyes slowly swelling with tears. He quickly placed the picture back and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. He finally realize what was off. castiel never loved him and marrying the man would make no sense. All of this was not real. Dean was in a dream, probably dead and this was his heaven.

Dean ran his hand through his hair nervously, he had to get back. He had to get back to Sammy, there was no point in being dead. Dean looked around searching for a door, a door that was oddly out of place but before his eyes could wander around Dean heard the front door open. The man's heart dropped hearing the familiar footsteps.

"I'm home! " Dean's heart throbbed painfully at the sound of keys setting on the table

The sound was so domestic and unnatural. Dean clutched his fists tightly, scared of his own heaven because he knew what Castiel really felt. And yet, he was walking through the door, wearing an ugly blue sweater, his arms open wide. Dean didn't respond to the hug. Neither did he respond to the little peck on the lips. It was all fake, The blue eyes clouded with worry.

"What's wrong? " Castiel's voice was little higher than usual, calmer

"I'm... " Dean breathed out heavily, his chest convulsing with pain

"Did you eat? " Castiel's palm cupped Dean's cheek with the strength of a feather

The man melted into the touch. He shook his head lightly, a rosy hue painted his cheeks.

"Why? "

Dean closed his eyes and let the tears seep out through his dense lashes. He didn't felt like crying but at the same time he wanted to scream into a pillow and shred the whole world into tiny pieces.

"Oh, Dean." Castiel quickly enveloped the man into a warm hug "Tell me what happened. "

"Nothing. " Dean murmured, his fingers clinging onto Castiel "Everything's great. "

Castiel gently patted Dean's back and pulled away. Dean smiled through his tears and let the man wipe them away. So what that it was all fake? It felt real enough to Dean. Why would he want to come back? He had everything here. A home, a husband. Judging by the wedding photos it was dope and everything else was just peachy.

"I'll cook you something. " Castiel smiled softly "What do you want? "

"Doesn't matter. " Dean smiled, tears brimming his green eyes again

"Take-out? " Castiel chuckled "If you don't mind. "

"Take-out is fine. " Dean nodded with a smile

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