Chapter two ⛧

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Dean's fingers lightly tapped against the Impala's wheel. he glanced at the mirror and lightly touched up his hair. The man chewed on his bottom lip nervously and glanced out the window every five seconds eager to get back on the road again. He glanced back to check if the bag on the backseat was okay. He stared at it for a few seconds before shifting his heavy gaze away. Dean ran his fingers through his hair a few times still not happy with the outcome. The man rapidly lowered his hands and sat calmly in his seat when he noticed a figure with a wrinkly trenchcoat approaching the car. 

"Dean!" Cas stumbled into the car "What happened?"

"Hey, Cas." Dean smiled at his friend calmly

Cas sat panting heavily, his hair was dishevelled, the blue tie was flung over his shoulder because of how fast the man was running to Dean. He sat gripping his chest as heavy breaths escaped the angel's chapped lips. Dean found the scene humorous, he sat with a tiny smile curving the corner of his lips. Cas swallowed thickly and stared at Dean. His face shifted when he noticed Dean's tiny smirk.

"There was no emergency?" Cas almost yelled

"No." Dean chuckled to himself

Cas squinted his eyes, the man's breathing slowly calmed down. Dean chuckled again angering the angel even more.

"You think this is funny, Dean?" Cas bickered, his voice slowly breaking out of its groggy shell 

"A little bit." Dean turned around with his teeth squeezing down on his bottom lip  

"I do not enjoy this kind of humour." Castiel's nose wrinkled in disappointment "I thought you were hurt, I thought you were in trouble!"

"Cas, come on." Dean grabbed the angel's forearm and sat him back down when he tried to leave the car "I just wanted you to get here fast."

"You could've asked me to get here fast without telling me that it's an emergency." Cas grumbled and folded his arms across his chest 

"Yeah, well." Dean smiled and nudged Cas "Where's the fun in that?" 

"I still don't think that this is funny." Castiel pursed his lips and pushed the man's elbow away "You know that I always come when you ask."

Dean smiled weakly, the corners of his mouth slowly dropped down. The man rubbed the back of his head and frowned. Castiel shifted uncomfortably in his seat and stared out the window, clearly, he was still angry. Dean let out a sigh, he started biting the insides of his cheeks nervously.

"Anyways..." Castiel broke the awkward silence between two of them "Why did you want me to come here?" 

Dean's face was lit up with a  childish smile again. He started the engine without saying a word and drove onto the main road leading out of the city.

"Dean..." Castiel dragged the word out more than he usually did "We are leaving the t- What are you doing?" 

"You'll see." Dean murmured with a smirk stretching his lips and kept driving

Castiel stared at the trees passing them. Soon he couldn't follow one tree with his eyes anymore since there were too many to keep up.The man blinked rapidly and stared at his hands. Dean steered the Impala out of the main road and went down a dirt road leading deep into the forest. Castiel looked around nervously unsure what business they had in the middle of the forest. Dean still had the confident mysterious smile on his lips when he parked the car. Castiel climbed out of the Impala with hesitation in his movements. 

The angel threw his head back. A thick layer of green shielded his eyes from the sun. A small patch of blue was lost in that green trembling mess. Dean opened the trunk and took out a folded up blanket. 

"Cas, catch." Dean tossed the blanket the man's way

"Dean, what is this?" Cas' voice was pleading
He strode after the green-eyed man annoyed and confused. He hated when Dean didn't tell him anything. Usually, his spontaneous acts got them in trouble. Cas was afraid that this time it'll end up like one of those times when Dean did almost got them all killed. Dean winked at Cas playfully and picked up his pace. Cas gripped the blanket tighter in his hands and jogged after the man. 

"Dean, what are we hunting?" Cas questioned, his shoes slipping as he climbed the small hill 

"Hunting?" Dean glanced behind him with a smile "We aren't hunting anything this time." 

"Then what is this?" Castiel furrowed his brows 

Dean stopped at the top of the small hill and gestured with his hand.

"Look at this view." Dean let out a sigh as his eyes gazed upon the horizon "It's nice, isn't it?"

"Dean..." Castiel still had the tone of annoyance in his voice

Dean just smiled and grabbed the blanket from Castiel's hands. He laid the fabric neatly on the soft grass and patted the spot next to him with his hand inviting the angel to sit down. Castiel slowly approached the man and sat beside him, still grumpy though. Dean opened his bag and handed a bottle of beer for Castiel. 

"Dean." Castiel said for the hundredth time "What is this?"

"This is a beer, Cas." Dean teased

Castiel squinted his eyes making Dean's childish smile drop. he cleared his throat and tried to calm down and get serious. 

"This is a...uh..." Dean chuckled nervously "A da- uh, t-today is a nice day to have a picnic."

"A picnic?" Castiel let out a soft sigh "You called me saying that it was an emergency just to have a picnic? Dean, there are far more serious things we should be handling right now than-"

"Cas, relax." Dean bumped his shoulder against Castiel's softly "We deserve a day off."

"I guess..." the angel trailed off 

Dean scooted sneakily scooted closer to Castile and handed him a burger from the bag. The angel nodded in gratitude. Dean had a soft smile on his lips. The sun hit his cheeks in just the right way to make his golden freckles pop out. Dean bit his lip unconsciously as he watched Castiel's lips softly press against the rim of the glass bottle. Cas glanced at Dean, the man shifted his gaze way just in time and stuffed the burger in his mouth. 

"It's nice." Castiel closed his eyes against the wind "It's really beautiful here."

"It is." Dean stared at the man's pale face without blinking

"What's your favourite part about this?" Castiel opened his eyes forcing Dean to lean back

Dean blinked rapidly a few times, his eyes darted from Castiel's eyes to his lips and he leaned in without a hesitation. Castiel's eyes widened and suddenly Dean lost all of his courage. 

"This..." Dean picked a tiny flower petal out of Castiel's dark hair and moved his face away

"This flower is not from here." Castiel said surprised "The wind must've blown it here and it got stuck in my hair."

"It did." Dean's lip trembled slightly "It's getting cold, we should probably get back. "

Dean stood up with a light huff and grabbed the bag. Castiel folded the blanket and walked behind the man.

"I enjoyed our time together. " Castiel had a faint smile on his lips, he glances at Dean expecting the man to look at him as well

"Yeah. " Dean nodded with a cold smile "Me too. "

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