Chapter three ⛧

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"No, Sam. " Dean leaned back in his chair rubbing his forehead "I don't know, you're the one with the brain. "

Dean listened to the voice on the other side of the line nodding softly. The man threw his head back and listened to his brother with his phone pressed up against his ear. Suddenly, Dean's body flung forward and a mask of terror and embarrassment fell on his face.

"I am not doing that! " Dean aggressively pressed his index finger against the table "Yeah, if I have booty shorts it doesn't mean that I'm gonna wear them... "

The voice on the other side of the line chuckled making Dean crack a smile as well. He couldn't not smile when Sam was happy. The same was with Cas, sadly the man didn't smile that often. Dean went over his head in attempt to make Cas' lips stretch upwards at least a little.

Dean got off the chair and started pacing back and forth aimlessly, he was still on the phone with his brother. Sam was always giving Dean pep talk since the man tend to turn into a fourteen-year-old squealing hormonal teenage girl when he had to talk about his feelings or shut himself off and threaten to break someone's nose.

"Dean, I know that you have that stupid smile on your face and I'm not even there. " Sam let out a light chuckle

"Pff, what?" Dean scoffed and tried to contain his smile "I'm a manly man, I don't daydream about boys.  "

"I didn't say anything about daydreaming, Dean. " Sam cackled

Dean pursed his lips in annoyance and rolled his eyes.

"You know... " Sam sighed "You should just go for it. "

"Sam, he's my freaking friend, I can't just... " Dean sighed "You know... "

"You hunt literal monsters but you're afraid of your feelings? " Sam let out stiff breath "Yeah... Sounds like the big brother Dean I know. "

"Shut up. " Dean groaned but couldn't help but smile at Sam's words

Sam chuckled and let out a sigh. The man was quiet for a few minutes. Dean sat down, his finger drew invisible patters on the kitchen table.

"Sammy, what do I do? " Dean whined like a needy child

"Just go for it. " Sam said

"Just like that? " Dean winced at the thought of him confronting his feelings

"No... I mean like... " Sam let out a stressed sigh "Ask him out. "

"I did! " Dean whined again

"And? "

"We're marrier now, what do you think happened, Sam?" Dean stated, his words dripping with sarcasm

"Dean, if you keep pushing it down it will eventually come back up and burst. "

"Does he like movies? " Dean murmured

"I don't know. " Sam chuckled "He's your boy-crush, not mine. "

"Bitch-" Dean glanced at his phone screen but his brother had already hung up

The man dramatically tossed the phone on the kitchen table and rubbed his face with both hands. Hunting monsters was so much easier, you just point and shoot and the problem is solved. Dean got up with a groan and walked out of his kitchen. There goes nothing.


Dean leaned against his car twirling the keys on his finger. The man wanted to glance at the mirror one last time but Castiel was already walking towards him. Dean didn't want it to seem like a date even though he secretly wished it was. He climbed into the car after giving a cold nod to Cas.

After the picnic Dean felt weird being around Castiel. He tried to kiss the angel and chickened out. Dean went over the same scenario over and over again thinking of all possible outcomes. There weren't many but all of them were heartbreaking because Dean firmly believed that Castiel sees him as nothing but a friend.

"So..." Dean cleared his throat and glanced at the angel sitting on the front seat

"Yes? " Castiel's gaze met Dean's

The man's bottom lip moved softly without a word, he cleared his throat again and focused on the road. Dean glanced at the mirror and convinced himself that it was not blush spreading across his freckled cheeks. It was just because it was warm and his body acted naturally, Dean's cheeks were rosy because of the warmth... Even though it was far from warm and the sun had hidden a long time ago.

Dean didn't say anything because he enjoyed the silence. He felt like if he broke it he would have to say something interesting but nothing laid on Dean's tongue so the man kept his mouth shut. It was kinda uncomfortable but Dean was getting used to it.

"I appreciate that you're trying to entertain your friends, Dean." Castiel turned to Dean

The man gave the angel a small nod and handed him popcorn in a paper bag. It's been a long time since he went to see a movie. Drive-in cinema was Dean's favourite because he didn't have to separate from the Impala.

Usually, Dean didn't like anyone sitting on the hood of his Baby but this time he made an exception. Both of them sat squeezed rather closely to each other, the only thing that was separating their hips was the small bag of popcorn. Dean moved his hand closer to Castiel's without moving his eyes away from the big screen. The angel didn't feel it, only when Dean's fingers gripped Castiel's hand tightly the angel noticed.

Castiel slowly turned his head Dean's direction, confusion written all over his face. Dean's heart beat rose, it was now or never. Like Sam said he had to just go for it. What did Dean have to lose? His dignity, maybe. His friendship with Cas. The unknown was killing Dean and he had to know if the feeling was mutual.

"Dean?" Castiel tilted his head to the side curiously making Dean's heart beat even faster

The man quickly leaned in knocking the bag of popcorn off the hood in the process. His right hand cupped the back of Castiel's head, Dean's left hand was still gripping Castiel's.

The angel's lips were just like Dean imagined. Soft warm... Unresponsive. Dean moved his plump lips for the last time and quickly pulled away. He stared at Castiel's face hoping for some kind of reaction but the man's face remained nonchalant.

As he was expecting. At least Dean tried. The man inhaled a ragged breath and held it in his lungs till it started burning. Dean couldn't accept the fact that he was crying.

Castiel opened his mouth sparking hope in Deans heart but the hope was soon crushed when the angel hopped off the hood of the car and started walking away.

"C... Cas? " Dean's voice trembled "Cas!"

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