38. The Festival Pt. 2

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The tremors that began continue on and would slowly get a little stronger as time goes on.

"Reegal! Stop this at once! Innocent people will get hurt!" Fritz

"Minor casualties of good ol politics! Don't worry soon to be former governor Fritz!! Once I'm at the head of the table I'll make sure to ensure total and complete peace for the survivors! And if they don't comply, then I'll just have to replace them with exact genetic copies. Much like how your original was replaced." Reegal

"My original was murdered in cold blood. But who am I to remind you of the heinous act that you carried out that fateful day?" Fritz

Without warning, Ace sprints forward and punches Fritz in his stomach causing him to drop to his knees while clenching the impact area.

"It looks like you're the one that needs to be taught manners." Ace

"Oh my Ace! Always quick to the punch. But that's what I love most about you. A natural born fighter down to the very DNA that made you. With some major modifications of course but, details. For now, I'll inform you on this. The machine will increase it's magnitude with each minute that passes by until it becomes quite the catastrophe! It'll be so grand that the people will look to you for answers! And when you don't show up to their rescue they'll become sad, they'll show regret and when they become hateful they'll need a target of their hate. That is where you come in my friend Fritz! You will be hated! You will be resented! But most importantly, you will be Sacrificed." Reegal

Fritz slowly picks his head up to notice that Reegal is right in his face.

"You will be brought to everyone as a traitor who wasn't there in their time of need and I will be the one to bring you in! AND! Once everyone's eyes are locked on you, they will watch as I make your head roll for a second time." Reegal

Reegal would fling his head back as he laughs hysterically while the tremors continue on.

"And what about your soldiers on the ground?" Fritz

Reegal stops his laughter and would stare at Fritz with a confused look.

"... And what about them?" Reegal

"They aren't in any safe positions as these tremors grow into an Arbiterra quake. Will you succumb them to your grand scheme as well?" Fritz

"You know what they say? The more the merrier! Oh and in case you were wondering I made sure that this building would be the safest place to be since well we're here and all. Now sit back and enjoy the show. Oh but before things get too hectic. Ace. Linda. Go ahead and deploy the prototypes. " Reegal says referring to the first female armed guard that came in the office as Linda. 

"Yes sir." Both Ace and Linda say as they pull out a square device witch lights up the moment they touch the screens.

"What are you up to now Reegal?" Fritz asks as he slowly gets to his feet.

"Oh I'd give it about 3.... 2... 1." Reegal

The sound of large thruster engines quickly grow louder by the second and causes everyone to look toward the window. Two white colored mobile suits slowly rise up side by side in front of the building where the governor's office is located.

"Are those... Gundam?" Fritz

"Obviously. Keep up dumbass." Ace

One of the mobile suits raises it's finger and gently presses against the window causing it to shatter. Ace and Linda walk past Fritz and make their way to the now open window. Both mobile suits raise an open palm out in front allowing their intended pilots Ace and Linda to walk on. They would bring them up to the open hatches allowing the pilots to board. Fritz watches as this happens and would look back over to Reegal who has a proud look on his face.

"Oh I do so love it when a plan comes together!" Reegal

Yet, something unplanned suddenly occurred. As Reegal revelates in his accomplishments, he is both shocked and confused as to why the tremors begin slowing down to a complete stop. 

"It stopped?!" Linda

"What the hell?" Ace

"Eh?... What?! What is the meaning of this?! Why did it stop all of a sudden?!!" Reegal asks as he flares up.

"Sir!" One of the armed guards say just as they aim their weapons at the entrance.

Reegal turns to see Tasca with her hands held up and a gun pointed at her back. Another armed guard has Tasca at their mercy and leads her inside of the office. 

"Tasca?" Fritz

"Well oh well! Look who we have right here and now? The young gundam meister of the Arbiterra race! Give it up for the youngest sibling of the cage trio! Tasca Cage!... What. The fuck. Did you do? To my machine?!" Reegal says as he gets up in Tasca's face.

"Hm? What machine?" Tasca

"Don't play coy with me you little brat!! My machine suddenly stops and you just happen to show up ever so conveniently? That has to be one of the oldest play in the data banks!! You were just unfortunate to run into one of my guards. You'll be getting quite the promotion my newest dear pet! Take that helmet off so I can properly remember you." Reegal

The guard mentioned pauses for a short moment before he slowly reaches for his helmet. All watch on as this is happens. As the guard lays a hand in his helmet, both Ace and Linda are alerted by a proximity alert from their gundams. 

"Sir! We have incoming!" Linda

"What?! Who is it? Is it Ares?!! Is it the Ultimatum?!!" Reegal 

"No. Two mobile suits... One of them looks like a, gundam I haven't seen before while the other is.... The Goliath Gundam? How when she's right there?!" Ace

Before anyone could react, both Tasca and the guard that had a gun to her back took action. They both make a b line for the window while the guard grabs Fritz without slowing down. 

"What the?! What are you dolts waiting for?! Shoot them!!" Reegal 

Both Ace and Linda turn back their gundams to the building as the guns start to fire after Tasca and the guard carrying Fritz. They turn back just in time to witness the runners jump out of the office.

"Whoa!" Fritz

"Are they suicidal?" Linda 

"Dam fools! Fall to your deaths then!!!" Reegal

"No. That ain't it." Ace

The moment Both Tasca and the guard jumped out of the office is the exact moment that the Goliath and the other gundam max their speed. The gundams immediately nose dive straight down and once they get near enough they pull up and fly just above the ground. They both stop at the base of the building and flies straight up along side it. Once they get to a certain height, they come to a complete stop in mid air and would slowly start to fall downward. They fall until the Goliath gently catches Tasca and the other white and turquoise colored gundam gently catches the guard who has Fritz in their grasp. Both gundams pilot seats were empty meaning that they were both on autopilot. Tasca takes her pilot seat and immediately takes control. The other pilot takes their pilot seat as well and does they same while Fritz crouches down next to the pilot. Both gundams stop just above the ground and would look up at Ace and Linda's gundams who are looking down at them. 

"Fuck!!... That was impressive!" Reegal

Both pair of gundams look up and down at each other like they're waiting for each other to make a move. 

"Ok. Time for the real festival to get under way." Tasca

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