18. Instinct

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"Seems like we have an old Mexican stand off here." Sol

"The one who should be really worried is Ares. After all I was ranked above him in the academy." Penta says with a grin of confidence.

Her grin is cut short the moment Ares smiles with overconfidence.

"Well now. Am I being underestimated?" Ares

Both Ares and Penta stare at each other as if they are waiting for the other to make a move. Sol slowly moves his hand to his back and grips his side arm. Ares then decided to toss his knife high up and in that moment Penta decides to make her move. Penta thrust the knife in hand straight for Ares's head at a frightening speed but Ares is just as quick to react by leaning his head along with his upper body down at an angle to his left. Without a chance to catch his breath Ares quickly finds that his left eye is staring up into the barrel of a side arm in Sol's possession and without hesitation Sol pulls the trigger. Yet, with incredible reaction time Ares was able to avoid the bullet by leaning his body further down nearly having his head touch the floor. Ares grabs Sol's wrist keeping it in place, Penta switches the knife into a backhand position and aimes to stab Ares at his side but Ares uses his right knee to block the attack by colliding it with Penta's wrist causing her to stop the motion. In that instant, the knife that Ares threw up comes down, he catches it by biting the hilt and instantly stabs Penta in her leg. Penta lets out a shriek, Ares uses his other leg to kick Penta, forcing her back into Sol and they both hit the ground. Ares performed that act while balancing on his left hand and would stand upright once the sequence was over.

"Now now sugar. I hope you're not gonna tell me that you've been dodging this whole time because you can't get a little rough with a woman now?" Charlette asks as she watches Lok take on Celina.

"Ok, then I won't tell you!" Lok says as he continues to avoid Celina's onslaught.

Celina uses a mixed martial arts form compromised mostly of kicks and is easily able to keep Lok on the defensive.

("It's not like I'm not trying here! Shit! Her kicks are gonna turn my arms numb if I don't do something!... What was it that Ares always said?.... Something about, follow your Instinct?") Lok thinks to himself.

Celina suddenly spins, drops to a crouching position and leg sweeps Lok off his feet.

"Whoa!" Lok

Without realizing, Lok had instinctively twisted his body, landed on his back and instantly spins his body with his legs out in a continuous motion. Celina stood back to her feet with her motion but only noticed Lok's action the moment he swept her off of her feet with his leg motion. Celina lands on her behind and Lok ends his motion on one knee. Celina, Charlette and even Lok are surprised by this sudden occurrence.

"Now thats more like it sugar!" Charlette

"Heh! No kidding. I guess getting my ass kicked by Ares really does pay off in the end." Lok

Celina clenches her teeth and springs back to action by thrusting her right fist straight for Lok's head. Lok easily avoids the punch by leaning the top half of his body to his left. In that instant Lok grabs Celina's wrist with his right hand, pulls on it adding to her motion, balances on his left hand, wraps his legs around Celina's right arm, performs a spin, renches her arm behind her back and pins Celina's stomach to the ground with Lok sitting on top of her back.

"Oh my oh my! Well aren't you just full of surprises sugar!" Charlette says while clapping for Lok.

"Y-Yeah... I guess I am. Me and Ares are definitely sparring more often and we are SO talking more about Instinct!" Lok says then looks over to where Ares is.

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