28. Grief and Regret

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After the release of Penta the Rogue Chaos make their way to their home planet Olympia. Ares is the first to exit the Cloud 9 and makes a B line towards the living quarters with Rika close behind. Everyone greets Ares on his welcome back but he keeps his pace. Ares and Rika turn the last corner to see both Gash and Ramsey sitting in the hallway. Both Ramsey and Gash look up and become ecstatic the moment they laid eyes on his approach.

"Oh thank god!" Ramsey says as she immediately gets up and hugs Ares.

"How you holding up?" Ares

".... Not as good as I want to." Ramsey

Ramsey gently breaks the hug and Ares turns to Gash.

"... That's a... Cool scar." Gash says pointing out Ares's healed head wound.

Ares grins and hugs Gash.

They separate and Ares examines them both.

"How is he?" Ares

".... He... Locked himself inside his room." Ramsey

"He stopped breaking stuff about half an hour ago." Gash

Ares takes a deep breathe, looks over to Rika and nods. Rika immediately went over to the scanner mounted next to the bedroom door, pulls it out of place and begins to tinker.

"Ares.... Is it to much to ask to be gentle?" Ramsey

"Aren't I always?" Ares

"That's not funny." Gash

Ares smirks and moves in front of the door. It takes Rika a few more seconds until she ultimately gets the bedroom door open. Ares steps in to a scene of a massive mess and as he looks around the room he spots Cole in the far corner starring at a photograph.

"I see you're alive. That's good." Cole

"And I see that you've redecorated. I like it." Ares

"If you don't mind I'd like to be alone." Cole

"No can do." Ares

"And why is that?" Cole

"Because this ain't the time to be alone. Especially when shutting out loved ones like them." Ares says pointing behind of him at Ramsey, Gash and Rika.

"Look I get it alright? Just give me some time." Cole

"I'll leave as soon as you are ok." Ares

"Are you kidding me right now?! What the hell is that even supposed to mean in a situation like this?!!" Cole asks as he springs up to his feet.

He walks over to meet Ares face to face with pure malice in his expression.

"Get. Out. Now." Cole

"Nothing good comes from bottling it up." Ares

Cole pauses in shock for a brief moment.

"Look I get it ok? Just... Let me deal with it." Cole

"Not. Alone." Ares

Hearing that brings anger to Cole and he acts without thinking. Cole winds his fist back and aims as Ares's face. Cole wasn't fast enough since he feels an immediate jolt of pain against his abdomen from Ares's instant gut shot reaction.

"Oh no." Ramsey

Cole stumbles back a little but catches himself and refocuses. Cole quickly moves in and performs a barrage of kicks. Ares avoids most of the kicks and parries the rest with his hands. Ares catches a high kick coming at his left with his left hand, quickly stomps on Cole's left foot with his right and holds him in place completely as his mercy. Cole tries to move but Ares has him completely locked in place.

"Dammit!! Why are you doing this?!!" Cole

"To prove that if you were in your right mind then this wouldn't have been so dam easy. If we were under attack right now at this very moment, how useful do you think you would be?" Ares

Both Ramsey and Gash move forward but would get stopped by Rika grabbing both of their arms. They look back, notice the sad yet reassuring look she has and they would settle down for the moment.

"I'm not saying that you aren't allowed to grieve. Just know that others are as well." Ares

A feeling of realization suddenly overwhelms everything else that Cole is currently feeling. Ares feels Cole relax the muscles in his legs and releases him. Cole stands with his head low in silence. His body begins to tremble and tears begin to pour down his face.

"I know its tough, but we need you at the ready at all times. So grieve... And do it right." Ares

Ares steps back and signals Gash and Ramsey. They both rush to Cole's sides and embrace him. Ares takes a few seconds before he walks towards the door. He stops next to Rika who stands on the side door frame.

"Stay with them." Ares

"I ain't going anywhere." Rika

Ares then walks on his way. Ares enters the operations center, greets everyone that greets him, enters the main office and leans forward against the desk. He lowers his head, closes his eyes and loses himself in thought. After a short while Ares hears the door slide open and turns his head to the side.

"I thought you'd be in here. You alright?" Tenna asks as she enters the room.

Ares takes a deep breathe, turns his entire body and leans back against the desk. Tenna moves next to Ares and leans agaisnt the desk.

"I have to be." Ares

Ares notices Tyriel followed by Lok enter the room as well. Ares also notices that Lok has a shameful look on his face.

"Hey. Why the long face kid?" Ares

".... I screwed up.... You put me in charge of the evacuation and I got distracted for one fucking second and-" Lok

Lok suddenly feels a hand rest on his head and it causes him to stop talking. He raises his head and makes eye contact with Ares.

"You know, there was a lot of people against me puting you in a mobile suit? He's just a kid they'd say. He needs a few more years. This and that. The main thing that many of them said is that I'd come to regret bringing some pint sized kid into a grown man game. But what they didn't know is that the very same pint sized kid scored higher on his field tests than any of them ever could. That very same kid has a unique targetting skill that I haven't seen in anyone. Ever! As long as I know that you've got my back I can easily fight on. Me regret? Not now, not ever." Ares

Lok stares at Ares for a minute longer since he is lost for words and lowers head.

"..... How many people said that?" Lok

"Everyone." Ares

Lok flinches in response to Ares's sudden answer.

"With all that being said you proved us wrong!" Tyriel

Lok looks up at Tyriel in shock.

"Yeah! You're a total badass." Tenna

Lok looks over at Tenna with the same shocked look. He then looks back and forth between with a judgemental look.

"Lok. From here on out you've got two choices. You can let this define who you are, or you can learn from. Alright?" Ares

Lok takes a moment before he nods.

".... Thanks, big brother." Lok

Ares is a little surprised when he hears Lok call him that but he ends up letting out a gentle smile.

"Oh Ares. Come in." Charlette's voice suddenly appears through the watch on Ares's left wrist.

He raises his arm, touches the screen and Charlette pops up in a hologram.

"Go for Ares." Ares

"Your presence is needed back at the hanger facility. We have a guest asking for you." Charlette

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