29. Cold Logic

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Ares, Tenna, Lok and Tyriel enter the hanger facility and are surprised by who they see. Miyuki is face to face with Tasca, exchanging angered looks with each other and Cameron is standing in between them acting as the peacekeeper. They walk up to Charlette who spectates them.

"Bout time you got here. Those two have been giving poor Cameron quite the run for her money." Charlette

"Ever thought about helping?" Tenna

"That's why I called Ares. Everyone listens to him don't they?" Charlette

"... Well she's not wrong." Tyriel

"Can't you two ever play nice?" Ares asks upon his approach.

Both Tasca and Miyuki cease their glaring and turn away from each other.

"Thank you." Cameron says with a breath of relief.

Cameron walks over to Tyriel, rests her head on Tyriel's shoulder and Tyriel comforts her. Tasca then calms her composure and faces Ares.

"I heard about what happened with Cerberus on the radio wave...." Tasca

".... Yeah. That-" Ares

"Was an utterly foolish decision that you made as a leader." Tasca

Hearing that hits everyone unexpectedly hard. Everyone's eyes widen with shock. All except for Ares.

"What did you ju-" Miyuki starts but stops when he sees Ares's hand rise up as a signal to calm down.

Miyuki reluctantly grits his teethe but kept quiet.

"Because of your recent victories piling upon one another you got careless. It should have been made obvious when you just narrowly escaped their grasp from rescuing those people from the Desert Storm faction. Weither it be logic or not everyone's luck runs out and this team out of all of the teams needs to be the most careful. Not realizing that Judge planned for your appearance was nothing but careless and arrogant. You, out of all the other leaders, need to be the most prudential." Tasca

Miyuki is the most surprised when Tasca changes tone but keeps to a slight irritation in her voice.

"Without you, all of this would not have been possible. All of those victories were because you had a key role in them. It doesn't matter if you have a say or not. You are needed and you cannot slack off with anything. That includes keeping this half wit under control." Tasca says as she points her finger at Miyuki.

Miyuki flinches and gets instantly annoyed from his mention. He manages to keep his rage in check since Ares is present.

"Well. It's obvious how strongly you feel about this so I will take what you said to heart." Ares

"That is all I ask." Tasca

"With that being said... Check out that symbol on that ship over there." Ares says directing Tasca's attention to the Cloud 9.

"That, is a planet... A random one if any actually. And that planet has been impacted by a rogue meteor. A cataclysmic event that brings about ruin. Chaos if you will." Ares

"Yes I know the lore behind your flag." Tasca

Ares suddenly grabs Tasca by her nose and gently pulls up on it.

"Aah! Wha?! Nya!" Tasca

"The meteor doesn't know where its going but when it gets there it makes quite the impact. That is Rogue Chaos and that is what we symbolize. At least that's what I like to believe. The moment a meteor starts taking orders on where it should go.. I'll change the flag myself." Ares

"A-Agreed!" Tasca

Ares releases Tasca and she rubs her nose. Miyuki is behind her doing his best to contain his laughter.

"And I meant it when I said I'll take what you said to heart." Ares

"Hmm... Well then I should probably get to the original reason why I was coming here in the first place... I need you, Dr. Lita and this neanderthal to come back to Saturn with me." Tasca says as she directs the last name towards Miyuki.

"... I don't know what it is that you do where you're from or what you are into lady but I think I'll pass." Miyuki

Tasca is instantly annoyed and doesn't even try to hide it.

"Ares. Please tell the, dare I say, Elephant in the room that my people have come up with a way to help his condition." Tasca

Ares puts on a confused look that quickly turns into a look of expectation realizing what Tasca means.

"My what now?" Miyuki

"... Wait... You mean..." Tenna

Tasca reaches behind of her, grabs Miyuki by his cheek and pulls him up closer.

"Ngh!" Miyuki

"There is an 85% chance that we can remove the Red Cloud from his system." Tasca

Everyone else is shocked at this unexpected news. Miyuki is the most surprised to hear this development.

"And since Dr. Lita knows his medical history more than anyone I would like for her to come and supervise his readings to make sure that nothing goes wrong during the procedure." Tasca

Miyuki hits Tasca's hand off of him, rubs his cheek and quick glances over at Cameron.

"..... Are you sure?" Miyuki

Tasca is completely shocked that Miyuki didn't react with annoyance and anger. He calmly asked her a question and she is genuinely shocked.

"Well?" Miyuki

"I-I um... The results are very adequate yes." Tasca

"...... Then the sooner we get this over with the better." Miyuki says as he puts his hands in his pocket and gives a mild look.

There is a brief silence before someone decides to break it.

"I'll, call Lita then?" Cameron

"Do that." Tenna

"This is wierd right?" Lok

"I think so." Charlette

"Oh it is." Tyriel

"None of you are whispering." Miyuki

".... While we are on the subject. Load the Ultimatum onto my land rover as well. There's a program that you will be a keen test for." Tasca

"..... Now I'm a guinea pig?" Ares

"When it works consider it an upgrade. Besides, I can get it fixed much faster back home. It's like I said, you are mostly needed." Tasca

The Ultimatum Gundam is loaded onto the Arbiter's massive land vehicle that Tasca came in and once Dr. Lita arrived the designated people board it as well.

"Land Rover. Online." Tasca

The Land Rover reacts to Tasca's voice and turns on.

"Land Rover. Move towards designated location." Tasca

The console shows a map of their location, lays out a route and drives toward it. They make it a little distance in the outskirts when a couple of beeps sound off from the computer.

"Activate bridge. Doc 5." Tasca

A portal suddenly appears a few feet in front of the Land Rover and it heads straight through. The portal closes the second the Land Rover clears it.

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